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-Phils POV-

Dan and I packed our things to leave the hotel. Dan told me he has an apartment in a totally different city, which makes me quite happy. Ill officially be away from my parents.. fucking asswipes.

I didnt bring much with me to begin with, only a bag stuffed with clothes and my belongings. But- Dan being the nice man he is- we are going to buy clothes for me.

"You done?" Dan held a bag in his hand with his backpack hanging from his shoulder. There stood a luggage bag next to him. I smiled and nodded.

He smiled back, and beckoned me to follow him out the hotel room.

He closed the door behind him, and we were off.

Im literally feeling my heart BEAT happily. I may have regretted being with Dan at first.. thinking he was some sex addcit who was nasty and shit but ayee hes an awesome dude who happens to be my owner.


I sat in the passengers seat, softly humming along to the music that was playing.

For some reason- Umbrella was playing. (AN- im actually listening to the all time low cover as i write this.)

"Its raining raining.. oh baby its raining.." I laughed to myself, seeing Dan struggle to put the luggage into the trunk until it finally fit.

He slammed the trunk. He breathed heavily, and walked over to his side of the car.

He opened the door and sloppily sat down. Dan looked over at me.
The motion in my blood was certainly filled with love. Dan.. hes something else.

We went in for a soft kiss, filled with passion.

Hes so FRICKING cute what the hell.

Dan started up the car, and we drove off. I quietly looked out the window, seeing the city pass by.

With the music playing in the backgroud, it was certainly calming. I zoned out, not paying attention to anything.

--second point of view--
Dan stopped at the red light, looking at the people cross the street. They looked like they were in search of something. Dan questioned it, seeing the sign they held with a familar face on it.

He looked over at Phil, who was on the tablet with headphones in.

One of the people went up the Dans car, as others did too.

Dan rolled down his window. There stood a lady in her mid fourties.

"Yes..?" Dan softly spoke, becoming anxious. The lady cleared her throat.

"We are in search of a boy named Philip Micheal Lester. Hes my son- he left mysteriously on his birthday about 2 weeks ago and-

Dans heart stopped for a moment. Dan become even more anxious and nervous. And of course- Phil looked up.

"Uie- what.. why are we stopping.?" He turned his head. Phils face changed drastically.

Dans eyes widen. His mind fludded with the consequences he'll face.

What if i get arrested for human trafficking...
What if im shunned on...
What if i get possibly killed by this lady??
What if i never seen Phil again.
My anxiety will worsen. He wont be there to comfort me- and Ill be alone again. Like before.. i wont have anyone to say such nice words or cheerish me. I-I have to do something..

"Phil?!? YOU ARE COMING HOME WITH ME THIS INSTANT." the lady screamed, grabbing Phils arm through the window. Phil fought back, pintching her hand. She pulled her hand away. She gave Dan a nasty look, and grabbed his hair.

Phil turned into a completely different person and got out the car.

Dan yelled at him not to, but Phil ignored him. Dan cried heavily, his emotions were everywhere.

Phil grabbed his moms arm, and pulled it away from Dan. "You are the same fucking bitch who planned on kicking me out. You cunt- how dare you suddenly care about me. You have so much FUCKING nerve. And the you fucking disrespect my OWNER like that- SOMEONE WHO LOVED ME MORE THAN YOU EVER FUCKING DID IN ALL MY 18 YEARS OF LIVING. Ive known him for two weeks. Two. Fucking. Weeks." Phil gripped her hand up, staring into her eyes with pure anger. They growled back and back, with harsh comments.

People began to stare, Dan sunk into his seat.

"YOU STILL HAVE NO RIGHT TO LEAVE US LIKE THAT YOU KNOW-" She tried to loosen the grip, but Phil was truly angry. "I dont give a fuck. YOU CANT EVEN HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE AS TO WHY-

Dan blacked out- last thing he saw was Phil falling to the ground suddenly. 


Dans ears rang. The sounds of familiar female voices and sirens bothered him. Dan was scared to open his eyes.

"Dan.." a soft voice spoke. He felt their hand stroke his face. "Dan.. wake up. Its Kellin.." she spoke again, shaking him slightly.

Dan squinted his eyes, seeing her bright red hair and grey eyes.

"Wheres Phil.." Dans voice was croaky, and he spoke in a soft voice. Kellin looked away.

"He.. He went with his parents.. somewhere.." her voice quivered.
Dan sat up, seeing he was still in his car. Dan started to cry, feeling his heart rip.

"No..n-not Phil.." he gripped onto Kellins arm. "Not P-Phi-Phil..." he cried violently. Kellin frowned, slightly crying.

She sniffed, and fixed Dans hair. She knew Dan wouldn't be able to recat to these situations well.

Phil told Kellin alot about Dan via text. Kellin was informed about the situation, and was conveniently near where the trouble happened. She knew, she needed to help somehow.

Dan continued to cry, unable to  control it. Kellin rubbed his back, humming. "Phil will return.. Phil will return.. Phil will see you again.. Phil will love you and tell  you everything.. Phil is returning. Dont worry Dan.." she whispered.

Dan looked at her, his faced contorted with pain. "Please.. i need him.." his eyes were all puffy. Kellin sighed.

"I know you do Dan.. he needs you too. He loves you alot. Youre his owner- and always will be his owner. Hes legally yours.. his parents can't do anything about it."

Dan looked out the window, seeing they were in the same location. "What happened to him. Why did he fall to the ground." He spoke.

Kellin sighed heavily. "Oh Dan.. tha-

"Tell me." He demanded. Kellin nodded.

"Your wish is my command.. Phil was tased and he was unable to get up. After that, his parents drove him home after taking him to thw hospital." She spoke, resting her head on Dans shoulder.

Dan looked down at his hands. "You'll help me..right..?" He whispered.

Kellin nodded. "As much as I can." She replied. "You will get Phil back."

Dan smiled softly, a single tear running down his cheek. For once hes hopeful.

LEGALLY BELONGS TO: Dan Howell (PHAN)Where stories live. Discover now