I'm missing you~Isacc

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Isaac's POV

I lost her. I lost her. To him. I lost the love of my life to that. Stiles. I don't know what I did to make her fall for him. 

She showed me heaven. She was the one person who kept me sane through all of my dad's abuse. She's gone now, I love her still, so much more than Stilinski could. 

I miss the her hair shined in the sun while we laid in the grass. Her e/c eye's would shine with such beauty. It sounds so cheesy I know but sometimes its okay to be cheesy. Her smile was her best quality, when she smiled up at me on our 2 year anniversary.  She looked so beautiful. She was MINE and she always will be, I will always be there when she falls, when she gets hurt. I will always be there because I lover her so damn much. 

I was standing by the lockers with Erica when she walked in. Y/n looked different, she looked sad, red puffy eyes and dark circles. Something was not right, something bad happened and I intend to find out. 

"Y/n...Hey whats wrong?" I went up to her when she went to her locker. I was worried, she needed someone to be with here. 

"S-stiles...you were right about Stiles...I am so sorry I ever left you for him. He just used me to get to Lydia..." Tears were silently falling down her cheeks. 

"Do you want a hug love?" I called her by her old nickname. She sent me a small smile and gave me a hug. Her warm embrace was just like it used to be. It was so soft, yet so comforting. 

"I missed you Y/n" I kissed the top of her head "Please come back to me...I need you back in my life" She hugged me harder. 

"I don't think I can ever make up for the fact that I left you for him. I never should have, I love you Isaac, and I promise I will never leave you~" I sighed in relief when I heard her say she missed me. I missed her too, the sound of her heart beating at night when she was next to me, I missed her laugh when I would do something stupid, I miss her personality, she always kept a smile on my face all day. The thought of her made me a happy man and I will never let go of her again, she is mine, and I am hers...

Sooo it's late yes, but I had writers block and I thought that I would try something a little different. I also know that most of you tend to skip these, but to whoever actually reads these, I would love if you left a few Ideas for later imagines.  

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