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          Everyone warned you about Jackson, saying that you would get hurt. You just always said they were wrong, you knew Jackson. If Jackson was going to cheat on you, you thought it would have been with Lydia, but no. It was with Erica. You couldn't believe that after all the times you stood up for him, after all the I love you's. You ran to your best friends house, his name was Thomas ;) He was an exchange student from London, but him and his family loved it here so they moved. It was nice to have Thomas, he was always there for you, he even supported your relationship, knowing Jackson made you happy.

"Y/n? What's wrong love?" You sniffled and just brought him into a weak hug, you cried your eyes out, your first love, cheated on you, after everything. "J-jackson cheated on m-me...with Erica" He brought you inside and up to his bed room so that his parents didn't pester you with questions. "i'm so sorry, is there anything I can do?" You nodded "Can I stay here, if Jackson goes looking for me, the first place he would look is my house, and he doesn't know where you live" He got up to his dresser and tossed you one on his t-shirts went and made popcorn and grabbed your favorite movie (mines tmr) You curled up in one of the fuzzy blankets and got comfy. He put the bowl in your lap and started the movie.

You went back to school the next day, ignoring Jackson in every way possible. If you saw him in the hall, you turned right around and went somewhere else. You sat on the opposite side of the classes. You needed to get over him, and it was a lot easier than you would think about loosing your first love...guess he wasn't so maybe that's why it wasn't that hard. Just one more week and then it's spring break, then you can move on completely. And you were doing just fine, all your friends were there for you, Thomas helped you through out the day when he got the chance. You didn't have to worry about talking to other boys, you could have normal conversations.

"Y/N! WAIT!" You knew that voice, it was Jackson, it felt like slow motion, you turned on you heel and sprinted to Thomas's car(Imagine those slow motion scenes) He ran off after you, but he caught you. His arms were secure around your waist and you were stuck "Just listen to me! Please!" He demanded, he didn't really care, no he demanded you to listen. "No Jackson, I wont, you wanna know why? Because I'm doin' just fine!" Now let me go!" He refuse so you elbowed him in the gut, causing him to clutch his stomach and fall to the ground. "LEAVE ME ALONE FOREVER JACKASS!"

~Sorry it's short ~Allison 

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