Chapter 15 - Nothing Good

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(Warning: Near the end is some depressing things so be careful reading.)

November 30th, 2001

( Author's POV )

"Have you talked to him at all?" Charlie asked Jo as she pulled her grey hoodie up and over her head, tossing it onto the bed.

"He won't talk to anyone." Jo sighed. "It's been two months, and he still won't talk to me. His best friend!" She ran a hand through her long blond hair hair, then shook her head a little as she at down.

Charlie frowned and bit her lip a little before letting out a soft sigh. "He's probably not sure of how to deal with what happened to him and Dean." She slid on a loose fitted shirt and sat down beside Jo.

Jo gave her a small smile, kissed her softly, then sighed, "Well at least his mom keeps us updated. But he doesn't want to talk to anyone."

"Dean did say he was pretty angry that night of the fight.."

"I know. Dean was scared and really upset."

Cas hadn't talked to anyone since the huge fight between him and Dean a year ago. He hasn't talked to anyone at all, besides his family. And that's where he's staying. Dean, on the other hand, was a little better with communicating with people. Except everyone is really worried about him.

Dean had called Sam the night of the fight, and he sounded scared. He was crying really hard, every word he spoke was hardly understandable.

"Sam's still pretty worried about Dean, because he is just a huge emotional, depressed, and broken mess." Jo said, looking down.

Charlie cupped one of Jo's cheek in her hand, "Hey, we'll go check on him, he'll be better soon."

"I want to pay a visit to Cas though."

Charlie frowns, "Last time we tried to do that, he wouldn't let anyone in. Not even his mom would help us out."

"Probably because she's never met us before.." Jo grins a guilty grin.

"Maybe we can get Sam to go!"

Jo looked at Charlie like she said the most insane thing ever, "You're kidding, right?"

When Sam called Cas that night, he yelled so much into the phone. He was so angry, and he made sure that Cas knew that. He even made some threats to him, and all of this happened while Dean cried in the other room.

Jo lied back on the bed, pulling the blanket up over her body. Charlie slid in beside her and wrapped an arm around Jo's body.

"I just want to help, Dean.." Jo sighed, cuddling into her.

"We'll figure something out." Charlie said, kissing Jo's cheek.

But who didn't want to help Dean? Everyone was angry at Cas. But then again, no one knew Cas' side of the story.

"I love you." Jo said, closing her eyes.

Charlie held her closer, "I love you, too."


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