Chapter 14 - A Hero?

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( Cas' POV )

I didn't know what to do. Dean was twitching, spazzing out a bit as the foam came out of his mouth. The sight scared me, and my heart nearly shattered just seeing him in this situation. How could he do this?

I quickly pull him closer to me and shoved my fingers into his mouth to try to get him to throw up the pills he swallowed down.

"Adam!" I yelled in the process. "Luci!" I needed help, someone needed to call 911.

No one came when I called the first time, and Dean was gagging so that was a good sign. I didn't really like to have my fingers down his throat, but I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't let him lay here and die while I called 911. So I had to try to save him myself and get someone else to call.

I hadn't even realized I started crying. I knew I was having a panic attack though, something I haven't had in a long time. I never get them. So I was hyperventilating, scared, and crying. I was a sobbing mess, holding Dean's limp, pale body in my arms. "Dean please.." I choked out between my sobs.

I had to leave Dean for a moment as I ran to Adam and Lucifer, harshly shaking them awake and yelling at them to call 911.

As I ran back to Dean, I noticed other doors opening and people sticking their heads out, probably to see what I was screaming and crying about. But I ignored them, going back to Dean.

Was there any hope left in saving Dean? I don't know. I'm scared. My heart is racing and the tears keep flowing down.

I shoved my fingers back down his throat, probably a little too harshly but i had to. Dean needed to be saved, I love him so much. I can't let him die, I can't..

Dean's body jerked away from me a bit, and he was now hurling over the side of the bed onto the floor, then he was just coughing really hard.

Lucifer and Adam had come into the room in time to see this, and Adam was on the phone talking to someone.

"Dean Winchester, he tried to kill himself." Adam said, a hand on his face. Lucifer stood right beside him, both hands on his face, probably unsure of what to do and shocked by what had happened.

"C-Cas?" Dean coughed and looked at me. His face was red now, and his eyes were ready. Hair a mess, sweat beaded across his forehead. He fell back onto the bed, and past out.

The ambulance got here and Dean was in the hospital within the hour. They wouldn't let me see him though since I'm not family. John Winchester was contacted, and oh boy that wasn't going to be good. Dean was angry with his father, but maybe after a suicide attempt he'd want to see him.

The doctor came out to talk to me since I was the one who found Dean.

"If you hadn't gotten to him when you did, if you came any later.. Dean would not have made it. The pills would have already taken his life. You're a hero, Castiel Novak."

A hero?

I hope Dean feels the same way.


July 11th, 1998

John Winchester came the next day to see Dean, he wouldn't have been able to come last night because he lives hours away.

When I saw him, he glared at me. He came up to me, and he was angry. I could tell by the way his fists were clenched at his sides, and how his glare nearly pierced though my soul.

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