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not edited, sorry for grammar mistakes
Copyright © 2015-2016 kissmclifford

"Told him so." A lady said, walking behind Luke with a little boy. He could smell the cigarette smoke from her and hear the little boy humming.

— next morning —

"Do you think Ashton has this already?" Calum asked as he picked up a CD.

"I don't think so." Michael responded.

All three of them walked to the cashier and paid the $14.99 that the CD cost.

After the accident, the ambulance came right away. The news spread on social media like a wild fire. Feel better Ashton was trending on Twitter and Instagram. The doctor said last night that he has a broken left wrist, broken left arm, and a torn ligament in his left knee. His right side has bruises all over from falling on the ground.

The ride from the CD store to the hospital didn't take long. The boys had to enter with Dave and other security guards (a/n: only the 5saucefam knows who dave is :) ). The entrance of the hospital was filled with fans screaming and wanting to come in.

When they entered the hospital a girl with brown hair looked lost, but when she looked at Luke, Michael, and Calum, she looked relived.

"You are going to die in there." She said then started laughing. She was wearing a blue checkered dress with white flats. She may have down syndrome.

Dave texted hospital security to ask if she was in the mental area. They answer with "who?" and came to take her out of the hospital.

Luke, having enough of this out of control day, just let it by and said, "Let's just go see Ashton." The boys nodded their heads and followed him to the main desk to check in.

"Hello." The lady said in a cheerful tone.

"Hi. We're here to see Ashton Irwin." Luke said, trying to match with her cheerfulness so he doesn't come off rude.

The woman's smile dropped. "Um, sir I'm sorry to say, but it says he's in critical condition as of an hour ago when he had a heart attack..." Luke stopped listening and stepped back. Calum and Michael were still listening, however, so she kept talking. Luke sat down on a couch in the waiting room and kept replaying their fight in the house, then when the car hit Ashton. He bowed his head and just stared at the floor. A tear began to come down his cheek.

"It's going to be okay, Luke." Michael said, sitting next to Luke. Michael rubbed his shoulder in a comforting way.

"She said she'll call when he's out of critical condition so I gave her our phone numbers just in case one of doesn't pick up." Calum said, still standing.

"Let's just go." Luke said, in a low tone, looking down.

Dave was waiting by the doors. "The car is in the front." He said walking in front of them and leading them through the crowd of fans.

As they entered then sat down, Michael went on Twitter.

@Michael5sos: Update: Ashton is in critical condition after having a heart attack a little over an hour ago. #FeelBetterAshton

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