t h r e e

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not edited, sorry for grammar mistakes
Copyright © 2015-2016 kissmclifford
pls read the author note at the end

** not sure if it is a trigger warning but im just giving a warning just incase.

As Ashton rushed home, he saw Luke walk with a girl to the front of their house.

"Luke, I need to talk to you!" Ashton yelled as he ran quicker and quicker toward the blonde haired boy.

Ashton ran while Luke walked toward him with the girl by his side.

"This is Violet." Luke said, gesturing to the girl.

"There was this woman and she told me after a few months we won't like the house or something. I'm worried. We shouldn't stay here." Ashton said in a hurried tone and completely ignoring what Luke have just said.

"Don't worry about her." Violet told Ashton in such a calm voice that it almost made him angry at the fact that no one took him seriously.

"What the fuck! Of course we have to worry! I'm sorry Violet but, you seem like a nice girl and all, but you have no idea what you are talking about." Ashton told the girl, yelling at first, but then calming down.

"Well, I actually do know. I know more then you think actually, so trust me when I say this: Don't worry." Then the brunette walked away.

"Seriously Ashton. I finally felt happy since we moved here and now -"

"She's a bitch. She's no good for you, Luke." Ashton said, cutting off Luke. I fucking hate her, Ashton thought about Violet. Maybe it was just that fact that this house was giving him a bad feeling from the start and he is living in it now, but he just feels so mad today.

"Oh, like you would know! You ruin everything Ashton, everything! You ruined my life already so stop trying to ruin it even more! Can you just get your head out of your ass for a few seconds and actually think about others and let me live my life and stop telling who's right or wrong for me!" Luke yelled. He felt as if a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

"You think that was hard only for you! It was hard for me, too! It's fucking hard watching your best friend suffer and then being blamed for it! Sorry if Arizona (a/n: no h8 pls i actually kinda like her), or whatever her name is, broke your heart, but how was I supposed to know this was all going to happen. I don't fucking tell the future!" Ashton took a deep breath, faced the other direction of Luke, and walked into the house.

"Ashton! Wait! I'm sorry!" Luke yelled, resizing that he was not the only one suffering at the time.

"I'm sorry, too, Luke. Sorry for being such a disappointment and failing to help you." Ashton mumbled, then walked into the house.

Ashton took off his jacket and hung it a hook when Michael came down.

"You okay?" He asked, leaving whatever he had on his mind to pay attention to his friend.

"Yeah. I'm good." Ashton told him, in a lowered tone. He began to walk upstairs when Michael stopped him.

"I was going to die my hair blue, then go for a hair cut. Do you want to help me die it then we 'll go for a haircut tomorrow? I like dying it myself." Michael said, with a smile.

Ashton couldn't help but smile back. "Sure."

Outside, Luke was still standing there re-playing the argument that have just happened.

"You think that was hard only for you! It was hard for me, too! It's fucking hard watching your best friend suffer and then being blamed for it! Sorry if Arizona, or whatever her name is, broke your heart, but how was I supposed to know this was all going to happen. I don't fucking tell the future!"

Murder House « 5sos #1 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora