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not edited, sorry for grammar mistakes
Copyright © 2015-2016 kissmclifford
pls read the author note at the end

- 1 week later -

"Thank you for speaking out more today, Luke."

"You're welcome, Dr. Harmon. Do you think this could be our last session?" Luke questioned, standing up and so was the doctor.

"Two more. That should be enough. Bye Luke." Dr. Harmon spoke as he walked out the house.

"Who was that?" Michael asked walking downstairs.

"No one." Luke made no eye contact and began to turn around.

"ASHTON! LUKE IS IGNORING ME!" Michael yelled as loud as he could to his bandmate.

"Luke," Ashton said coming from the backyard, "Respect Michael." He paused, "Michael..." Ashton took a longer pause, "STOP FUCKING YELLING GOD D-"

The boys were interrupted by a hard bang on the door. All their heads turned their focus towards the door.

It seemed to be going in a pattern.



Bang. Bang.

Then the pattern started over.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OUR PROPERTY!" Yelled a familiar voice.

Calum opened the door and by the expression of his face, he was not okay.

"Some kids were banging on the door with fucking baseball bats. Why are you staring at me like that?" Calum began his rant but ended in a questioning tone.

"We aren't staring at you. It's just... we're confused I guess. Did you hear a rhythm or something when they were banging on the door? Like... bang... bang... bang bang, then it started all over."

The boys all stood in a circle in complete silence, but after a few seconds, Michael broke it. "You all worry too much. I'll be upstairs playing Call of Duty." And with that, he's gone.

"Michael's right. Let's not worry too much. I'll be upstairs if you need me." Calum, as well, went upstairs.

Now it was just Luke and Ashton. "Luke, you don't seem to be yourself. You okay?"

Luke nodded.

"Is this some sort of silent treatment? Did Michael tell you I took your shirt? Can't trust Michael with anything." Ashton said, obviously getting distracted by his thoughts.

"You took my shirt?" Luke spoke giving Ashton a questioning and pissed off look.

Ashton gave a fake laugh and said, "I was kidding, Lukey. I really have to go to some where though..." Ashton awkwardly ended the conversation, walked to get his keys, still faced Luke, opened the door, and walked out.

'Okay' Luke mouthed awkwardly and walked to the back yard. He always keeps his guitar back there because at times like theses, he will be too lazy to go upstairs to get it.

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