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not edited,sorry for grammar mistakes
Copyright © 2015-2016 kissmclifford

He sat alone in the porch on a cold October morning. As his fingers strummed against the strings on his gutair, he hummed the first song that came to his mind. After a few mintues, a loud sigh came from his lips as he placed the instrument back in it's case, running his fingers through his hair.

"Luke, you have to get over her." Calum Hood stated, coming onto the porch.

"I can't." The blonde mumbled, looking downward.

This was all her fault. It was her fault he felt this way. Her fault he spent hours and hours playing the same tune over and over again on a porch when the temperture outside was twenty-five. Her fault he doesn't write the same way, play the same way, act the same way he used to. It was ALL her fault.

"You have to." His friend paused noticing Luke wasn't listening, "Hemmings, look at me."

"Just go." The blue-eyed boy told his friend while remaining to look downward.

Just before Calum can stand, Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford run onto the porch, both with gigantic smiles glued on their faces.

"Calum, we know how to get Luke out of his sad, depressing mood." Ashton annouced with Michael nodding behind him.

For weeks now, they have been trying to help their blonde, lip pierced friend. Setting him up with dates, going to the movies, and stuff like that. Nothing seemed to work. Luke has always blammed it on her. Blammed her for how he is now. While Calum would have endless talks with Luke, Ashton and Michael was busy brainstorming ideas to make the real Luke come back.

Why can't they just fucking leave me alone? Is that too much to ask? Luke questioned himself. He kept his eyes on the wooden floor of the porch while his friends talked endlessly on things he wasn't paying attention to. Moving in his seat, he waited for the boys to finish so he can say his "goodbyes" and take a long walk by himself.

"Earth to Luke!" Michael half-shouted. Like usual, Luke has gotten lost in his thoughts. He gave him a questioning look and waited for Michael to speak up.

"We have the perfect idea to get you out of this mess. It's simple, but it will work. Hopefully..." He trailed off as he reached for a piece of paper from his pocket. Michael pulled it out and handed the crumbled paper to Luke.

Luke undid the fold and read the handwriting as best as he could. He could not process or understand anything. Luke squinted his eyes, but nothing was understandble to him. "Luke..." Ashton said, in a low, worried tone. Ashton glanced at Michael and Calum, whispered, "He is really messed up." then back to Luke and continued talking. "It says prices of houses. We are going to move away from this town and start new." Ashton told Luke in the same tone of voice he had started with. "Which house do you like? We'll go and look at any house you pick."

With no hesitation, Luke looked at the paper. There was no pictures, but descriptions Michael got online from the ad for the house. Luke had one ideal house he wanted to move in. A house that was the farthest from this shitty town they were in. The town they were in at the moment is actually a good place, but bad memories happened here so therefore, to Luke, this is a shitty town.

Luke placed his finger on a house in Los Angeles, the farthest location on the paper.

"We will see if we can see a realtor about the house next week, until then, Luke, please start being happy that we're leaving this dump." Calum told Luke in hope that Luke will actually change.

Murder House « 5sos #1 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora