but ignoring me? 

Wasn't it going too far? 

I now realize how much of a kid I acted like, 

so immature, 

and inconsiderate of other people's feelings. 



It was on the 5th of November, 28XX, 

when I finally met him again. 

"Na In." He spoke out to me. 

"Jungkook." I spoke out. 

We faced each other under the moonlight in silence. 

"How have you been, Na In?" He asked me. 

"I've been..." I muttered, "fine..." 

"I see." He commented. 

"Don't you end the conversation like that!" I haven't been fine! Do you know how crazy I've been ever since you left without a word? Nothing's been going right! It's been almost 2 damn years you know!" I shouted out in anger, not caring about what other people thought. 

"Na In..." He murmured. "I'm sorry." 

"That's not enough! You can't just say something like that! Where have you been! Why haven't you contacted us at all! I was so worried about you!" 

"I'm sorry." He had repeated. 

"Stop saying that!" I cried out as I hit his chest over and over again, tears rolling down my face. 

He stood there, 

not moving an inch, 

letting me hit him. 

By the time I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. 

"Where have you been!" I screamed at him. 

I remember feeling anger. 

I wanted to hate him for leaving just like that. 

He was like a little brother to me. 

"Na In," he paused. "I'm sorry."

"What?" I asked him in confusion.

"I'm sorry Na In." He repeated

"Come on, let's go find the others." I pulled his arm, but he didn't move. 

I stared at him in confusion again. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him. "Everyone will be so happy to know that you're here!" 

"No," he paused. "Follow me instead." 

He dragged me by the wrist, tightly.

It hurt, 

quite a bit. 

"Stop holding onto my wrist so tightly!" I yelled at him. 

"We're here," he let go of me. "You ready to understand the truth now?" 

"What truth?"  I questioned him as I looked up at the place he had taken me to. 

A nightclub. 

"Why would you take me here?" I stared at him and turned around to leave this place. 

"Na In!" Jungkook shouted. "You need to see what I'm  about to show you! It's been two years. I can't believe you never noticed anything! You're so naive!" 

He continued to shout at me. 

I didn't understand what he was trying to say. 

What was his point? 

He dragged me into the nightclub. 

I wish I never walked into that nightclub that day. 

The things I witnessed, 

still left as a deep scar in my heart, 

even until this day, 

I won't be able to forget, 

because of how much it had left an impact for me.

As he continued to led the way, holding onto my wrists tightly, I saw a figure that looked familiar. 

Ash grey hair, 

it reminded me of Yoongi. 

I stared at the guy that resembled Yoongi, 

the side of his face looked like Yoongi's too. 

"Wait-" I stopped Jungkook and slowly walked over, walking pass the half naked people who were dancing and groping each other. 

"Yoongi." I breathed. 

"Na In where are you go-" He paused and took a deep breath. "So this is it?" 

I continued to walk closer to the man sitting on the couch. 

Beside him was a girl. 

A very pretty looking girl with long, black luscious hair.

She looked very familiar too, 

kind of like Hye Jin. 

"Jungkook." I mumbled, feeling lost. 

I was unstable, as I crashed onto Jungkook. 

Luckily he held onto me. 

The two of them were kissing, 

very sensually. 

"Na In," Jungkook spoke out. "I felt that it was time you found out the truth about this." 

It felt like the world was ending. 

Everything around me seemed like a blur, 

my vision was shaky, 

and everything around me was spinning. 

I screamed as loud as I possibly could, 

over the loud rock music playing in the background.

I was loud enough to grab many people's attention. 

Eye's were focusing onto me, 

but I realized, 

Yoongi's eyes weren't. 

He was too focused in that heated kiss with Hye Jin. 

I began to tremble. 

"Na In!" Jungkook shook my shoulders. "Get a hold of yourself!" 

I stared into Jungkook's eyes. 

His eyes looked regretful, 

like he had made the wrong choice to bring me here. 

He tried to carry me out, 


 I crashed onto the floor. 


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