Time To Step Up - Chapter Nineteen

Start from the beginning

"No!" I took the shot, one shot will do no damage to me, "He raped me. He made me sleep with other men. It was force. It hurt."

"Oh... How old are you, sugar?" Stella asked, taking a glass of wine after taking her shot.

"Seventeen..." I declined the glass of wine she offered.

Stella looked at me with pity and took my hand and pulled me over to a cushioned suite.

"You shouldn't be scared, as long as you behave. If you're good, meaning making money worth, you know, they might give you a bite to eat, maybe a sandwich. Then men here are nice if you do a good enough job, get a few tips, maybe see them again."

"But I don't want this. I've never wanted this, Stella. I've had no chance last time. I was practically raped, over and over again, last time." I wiped away a tear, "I was pregnant with Jake's baby..."

Stella gave me another sympathetic look, then looked up. I looked up to see who or what she was looking at... It was Jake... His face was soft with mixed emotions.

He looked away, "My dad wants to see you... now..."

Without a second thought or hesitation, I decided I may as well do as I was told, since either way I was going to get hurt.


Jonathan Kelly threw me a dress and a pair of stilettos. I'm guessing I am dressing up as a postitute, as well.

"Now, you behave girl!" Jonathan spat, pointing his index finger at me with a cold eye, "My son has told me you got good remarks last time, all the men said you were well behaved. So, you better be like that from now on." He then laughed and kissed my neck, the force hurt me, "I think I'll have a go later. "He smirked and I knew I was going to be sick at any minute now, "Leave, now. Before I'll take you right here, right now." He laughed evilly.

I rushed out back into the room. Jake was in there and he was looking at me with a questioning look. His eyes trailed to my stomach. My hand went onto my stomach automatically.

"I lost it. I had a miscarriage. "I told him before he could say anything.

He nodded, and before he left he said, "Just let them do the work. Don't scarem or me or my dad will do something about it. Just lie there and let them do everything." He forcefully handed me a box of condoms.

Then, suddenly, I broke down in tears.


I was dressed in the tight red dress. The stilettos hurt me, so I didn't bother putting them back on. There was two hundred and fifty dollars on the bed.

The door opened and Jake came in, no even looking at me. He came over and took the money. Without looking at me, he left the room, closing the door after him. Jake's standing outside teh door, again, making sure I wouldn't make a run for it. He would come in after the men practially raped me and take the money. The men don't care, it's all sex, sex, sex.

The door opened again and it was Jake, again. He cam and locked the window.

"I'm getting a burger for you. Stay here, or else. "Again, he made no eye contact and left the room, locking the door in progress.

The last time I escaped was the window, it wasn't locked last time.

I screamed. I don't know why, but I tried opening the door and the window, even though I knew they were locked, and I have no key, obviously.

I noticed the small bedside table where the condoms were. I thought about it, looking back at the door, then looking out the window, watching Jake pull his car out of the car park and drove down the street. I knocked everything off the bedside table, hoping that no one will hear me, but I doubt they will over the loud music and the men cheering for more entertainment.

I picked up the bedside table and moved to the window... I hoped and prayed to God that this'll work... I closed my eyes and turned my head and using the bedside table, I threw it at the window.

It smashed to pieces, glass scattered over the rouge carpet. Bravely, I stepped onto the window ledge, the height was at least eleven metres. I have no idea what I was doing, but I was willing to do anything to get out of here. There was a car underneath me, and I thought of using that to break my fall.

I sucked in my breath... and then I jumped.

The force of gravity and the cold wind pushing in my face, making my eyes water. The car alarm went off when I hit it, alerting people on the streets. I quickly jumped of the car, my feet hitting the cold snow. I ran into the street, running and crying.

I was free... but, deep down, I know that this isn't over yet.

How come it was so easy to escape? Again? Jake didn't think about it lat time, and most probably hasn't thought that windows can be easily smashed. I twisted my ankle. It was freezing. I was running as well as limping. Luckily I put my pumps back on. I couldn't get changed in my own clothes as Jake got rid of them, I didn't need them, he'd said.

I felt dirty. I needed a wash. Men were shouting at me, telling me to give them a 'show', obviously wanting me to do a dirty dance and to 'pleasure' them.

I have no money, no phone, no jacket or appropriate shoes... my pumps are usless and are soacking wet. I don't even want to risk a taxi, although I have no money, but knowing the men of the night in L.A, they wouldn't need the money. If you know what I mean: 'A ride for a ride'...


My feet were blue blue and numb and my legs were hurting, it hurt to walk. I was walking like a drunk, my balance were terrible. I couldn't walk properly.

My head was pounding, my vision was blurred. The coldness was getting to me. I was shivering like Hell.

Cars zoomed past me on the motorway. I was walking along the space where cars would park if any broke down or as such.

I heard sirens and I looked behind me, I saw headlights and blue and red flashing lights. I put a hand in front of me to block the light as it hurt my eyes, causing a bigger headache.

I stumbled and fell on my backside. My legs hurt, I couldn't feel them. I felt absolutely dizzy.

I felt hands under my arms and I was lifted up from the sno-covered ground. I couldn't speak. My throat was hoarse. I whimpered in case this person might hurt me, and tears poured down from my eyes.

"It's okay, I'm taking you home." A voice said.

And I felt like I was now saved.


Oh... aye.... Jake will be back people.... I assure you... <3

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