A Flashback of the last violence patient attach, hit me like cold water , it took me couple months to get over it, I didn't expected.. hell I didn't even care about his words of threats
He kept asking for extra drugs for his "pain" the dude has like three stitches! And his asking for the amount of organ's transform of pain killer! of course I refused. he said that he'll hurt me if I didn't give him. his threats meant nothing to me and maybe that why I didn't see it coming when I end up tackled on the floor with him shocking me "feel my pain, you little piece of śhit , feel it"
I tried to get him off of me but he was really strong and my lungs are starting to burn from the lack of air I start going blank and before I lose my conscious I heard Jack calling my name

《It's not gonna happen again I assure you, plus you're with me this time, so let's go and for the love of God! stop being a pûssy!》 he give me a hard glare and I returned his with my grim 《fine! But you're staying behind me no arguing》I had to agree otherwise he won't let me go

《sir please calm down we have already informed the police of you're missing daughter I'm sure they are out there looking for her and they will find her just calm down》we hear the sound of Dr Larkins in attempt of calming the patient 《calm down! Are you kidding me!? My daughter is missing and you want me to calm down! Move out of my way or God help me I'll move you myself》《Sir for the last time I'm going to ask you to come down or I'll have to use injection》clearly he was only making it worse he never was a good talker 《stay behind me》 whispered Jake to me and I nod my head as a respond even though he can not see me
《Try touch me and I'll snapped your fućking neck》okay this man has completely lost it 《okay , okay please just listen you want to find your daughter right! But how could you find your daughter when you are blinded with anger, you need to clear your mind and to pull your shït together for her. your little girl needs you to be strong for her not to break down in the very first. let us stitch your wound and in the process you tell us everything you know so we could help you》

And just like that Jake save the day

《I know I'm hot and all but c'mon you being too obvious》and that's who he killed every small piece of admiration that I have toward him 《sorry can't help it not everyday you see a monkey wearing Scrubs》I've always admired Jack, he's the perfect man kind sweet funny intelligent and most of all caring he care about everyone and he care about me and that's something I have never experienced not since Mom
《sorry but I'm not a mirror》 《huh , we're getting good at the comebacks aren't we》 《what can I say I'm a friend with the whole package of sarcasm and comebacks》 《lucky son of a bitch》

《my shift is over so I'm going to go first I have a couple of things to do .. and maybe see my dad》《 are you sure you don't want me to go with you I mean if he try to hurt you or anything..》《 I'm sure, don't worry I'll see you in a couple of hours》
the worst thing that child could face is the feeling of fear towered his own dad
Today I have seen the idea of father, a father who have refused to be cured while his little girl is missing, who want to face the whole world and get killed saving his little girl, this kind of father is the father that I have never had.
his eyes hold the happiness that I have never imagine a man could ever feel! that type of happiness that's so contagious, when he received the news of founding his daughter safe and sound. all I felt at the moment is jealousy and all I want is that one day I'll have the same feeling

I walk through the entrance door and there he was standing behind his car , when he saw me he smile and took off his sunglasses giving me a good access to those honey color pearls
《Salut ma chère》《salut, it's all I'm saying cuz that's the only thing I know so if you want to speak French with me you have to teach me》《fair enough, I'll teach you everything I knew, after all you're going to be a Frenchman's wife》 he wink at me opening the passenger door for me I get in the car and he follow after me
《so where are you taking me》《I thought we should have dinner and talk little get to know each other more》 《 please just no fancy restaurant cuz I'm hungry and that decorated empty plate won't do the trick》
I could still hear the slightest sound of his accent in his laughter , his eyes are closed while he titled his head back from laughing he truly is handsome
he look at me and his eyes full with joy, something that I don't see in him a lot 《I think I might know the right place》


Aaaaand Finish this chapter!! Wow🎉
I can't tell you how much I'm excited to start write again it just I'm going through a lot of things lately and university wasn't easy at all but I'm not going allow this negative vibes to control me anymore cuz I'm one month away of being free
"Vacation time" 🌊🌴🍓🌹👗👜💲🚘
so I hope you guys like this chapter.
I really care about your opinion they are matter as I always say
please tell me what you think
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Luv to you allll 😙😙💓

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