Ch. 10: Shadows And Regrets

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~I'm back, back in town, and everything has changed. I feel, feel let down, the faces stay the same. I see, see shadows, of who we used to be, when I drive, drive so slow, through this memory~

Kiyomi's POV

The next morning I was all ready to go. It was pretty early, around seven or so. I felt kind of bad for dragging people out of their beds to say goodbye, but I wanted this mission over with. Then I could leave, and go back to traveling. Or spend more time with Ryuuko.

I grabbed any remaining belongings from my room, then walked out and closed the door softly. Standing across the hall from my room was my team, Kinio, Lady Tsunade, Gaara, and Kaizen.

Most of them appeared calm. Kadan looked a little sad, as did Kaizen. Lady Tsunade looked like she was still in a bit of a mood, and probably also had a hangover. Gin and Gaara had complete control over their emotions and showed nothing, but I knew they would probably miss me.

Tsunade was the first to speak. "Kiyomi... I know you don't want to go on this mission. But it's not your choice, so deal with it." I rolled my eyes at her blunt words. "Be careful. Like I said earlier, complete the mission, return to the Leaf Village to make your report, and then you can leave again."

I sighed and nodded sullenly. I didn't want to return. Even though I had to, I'd stay for the fewest days possible, then leave as soon as I could. Tsunade nodded, and I bowed lightly as she turned and walked away.

Kaizen was next. He stepped forward and clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Take care," he commanded, worry reflecting in his eyes. I smirked and winked, making Kaizen frown playfully. "I mean it. I want to see you well and happy the next time I come to Konoha."

I winced. "How about I come see you in Suna some time?" I offered instead. Kaizen's frown deepened, but he shrugged it off and stepped back, letting his younger brother take his place.

"Like Nii-san said, be careful," Gaara ordered, his tone flat.

My smirk widened as I nodded in reply. "Of course, Lord Kazekage," I agreed teasingly. A tint of pink appeared on Gaara's face which I conveniently decided to disregard.

Gaara seemed to regain control over his emotions as he cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes, do so." That was awkward, but he means well. Then Gaara and Kaizen, after sending me a wave, both walked out of the hallway.

Now it was just my team and I. I may not have known them for that long, only like two months, but we still bonded. I'll be sad to see them go.

Kadan glanced subtly around, checking to see if there were any people nearby, before throwing himself forward and latching onto me with a hug. I stiffened, not expecting that at all, but the red-head wouldn't let go.

"We'll miss you!" he blubbered, his hold on me tightening even more. "You were a great teammate! Please don't die!"

I rolled my eyes, then looked pleadingly at Gin and Naoko, who were both watching the scene with amusement. They only smiled, and left me to deal with the crying boy who currently had a seriously tight hold on my torso.

I sighed. "Kadan, please let go," I requested pleasantly, trying to move my arms so I could shove him off. Kadan shook his head, and I groaned. "Please?"

"Alright, that's enough," Kinio eventually jumped in, grabbing the back of Kadan's jacket and pulling the boy off me. I released a sigh as I was finally able to breathe freely again, and nodded at Kinio in thanks. "Say your goodbyes fast, because Kiyomi needs to leave soon."

Nobody moved. They all looked at each other awkwardly, waiting for someone else to make a move. Even Kadan, who'd been clinging to me so tightly before, didn't do anything.

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