Chapter 4

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Me and Austin were in first hour with the crew then Sarah leaned over and asked "Are you and Austin dating?" I felt my cheeks heat up.

Looked at her " I don't know But we kissed and he said he felt different with me than when he was with other girls. I think I'll ask him on our way home so don't say any thing that could relate to this okay?"

"Okay" Sarah said sounding disappointed.

After school

Austin and I were just dismissed from our last hour. To mess with Austin I didn't wait for him to get to the door I just started to walk out as I made it out the door someone grabbed my wrist I turned to see Austin. "What's wrong with you its not like you to walk out of a class without me?"he said kinda quite.

"Nothing I have a question but I'll ask you in the car."


We went to my locker then out to the car. "So what's on your mind Elizabeth."

I couldn't help it "What are we?"

He gave me a puzzled look "Elizabeth I don't know I was wondering the same thing."

"I think we should date considering we hold hands and we've kissed." I put in.

"Okay so this means me and you are dating right?"

"Yes, yes it does I am Dating the awesome you tuber Austin Mahone!!!!!"

"Yeah I am awesome aren't I?"

"Yes my boyfriend is Awesome!!!!!!"

"So is my girlfriend she is the mist beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Now we have to tell the crew." We pull into Austin's driveway .

"I'll call them while you tell your parents you'll be at my house."

"Okay" with that I walked over to my house and tell my mom I'll be at Austin's house. She said it was fine so I walked over to Austin's and he was waiting for me. The crew wasn't there yet take that back their pulling in to the driveway. Alex parked the car and they all piled out and then we all went inside.

Alex said "So what's this big announcement you told us about."

Austin looked at me then we both said "We are dating!!!!". Everyone started to cheer then Austin pulled me close and kissed me. The Robert started "saying get room you two and thats gross"

We all just sat around and played Xbox the rest of the day we just hung out. I came up with the idea of a huge sleep over because its Friday. We all said yes Austin let me barrow a t-shirt and basketball shorts. After I changed I  went into the living room and fell asleep on Austin.

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