Chapter 5 ~Broken heart for me....~

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~Germany's POV~

It had been almost  three weeks since  Marr had moved and I sat in the attic where the tank had been, staring blankly at the spot where Marr had swam so happily. I kept trying to tell myself that everything was fine, but my heart just stayed shattered, my mind kept lying, and I felt like crawling under a rock and dying because I missed Marr so much! I sighed for the hundredth time that morning and walked downstairs to finish training Italy and Japan.

CCCCCRRRRREEEEEEAAAAAKKKKK!!!!!!! The floorboards suddenly creaked in the downstairs hallway, strange, because it was about 4:00am! Suddenly, I was on the defensive, sliding my feet along the smooth floor so as not to be heard and carefully crept downstairs, heart really beating for the first time in a long while. Mien Shtick was clutched in my hand poised to strike down the person who was too loud to be Japan, too quiet to be Italy, and definitely to sober to be my idiot brother. That was when I heard a voice drifting down the hall.... "If he had the young ambassador where is she now?" an impatient voice growled, even more venom poured into his words then even the scariest, cruelest thing Russia could've ever said.

"Well we have to get her before she finds her soul mate, if she gets to him she will become so powerful we will all be at the mercy of her"  another voice said this time with noticeable deceptive tones, also ringing with unkind intent.

Someone grabbed me from behind as I neared the last step and put a strangely shaped knife against the small of my back. "Look what I have here! LUCIUS I think  found Marrila's little mate! He's that German guy we saw when she went to the surface that morning!"     I wanted t struggle but I was terrified of what they would do to my brother and allies....

A man appeared, his skin an unsettling green similar to Marr's but with an ugly tinge of gray to it, as though he were going to die soon. When he spoke I recognized him as the first man, " Well if it isn't the great and powerful Ludwig, representative of Germany and mate to a now fugitive ambassador of the Italian Mermaid Council. If you do not tell us where Marr is we will be forced to maim, torture, and kill you alongside our law-breaking now ex-leader!"

I was startled, what had Marr done? If she had been their leader and gone missing, wouldn't they be glad that she was okay? But, one look at their faces told me all I needed to know, they were all probably trying to usurp her power, which meant that I could never tell them where she was. "I don't know where she is , my boss took her to an auction four weeks ago on the black market. But, even if I did know where she is I would never tell you because she is my soul mate and I will protect her to my last breath!" At th last part the big green man (Lucius is suppose) turned an unsightly green-red and punched me hard enough to knock me out......

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