Chapter Three ~forced to move~

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I sighed, floating lazily along the bottom as I waited for someone to come and visit me in the aquarium. As I was just rounding the north-eastern corner when Italy (yes, i'm not stupid I know that they're countries) came running in his face streaming with tears and a sad smile on his face, totally unlike him...

"Italy what's the matter?" I asked sweetly as he climbed a couple steps to the top of the tank.

"I-I-it-it's ger-germany! H-he I-is s-s-e-selling y-y-you t-to F-r-rance  as a p-peace -t-tr-treaty th-thingy!!!!" He sobbed loudly into my arms as I rushed to the top and hugged him. What! NO! how am I supposed to get him to love me now!!! "But he-a said he-a likes a you!" he said tearily before crying even harder, his grief rocking his body as I cradled him in my embrace.

I tilted his head up so he was looking me in the eye before I began to soothe him slowly, "Italy, sh.. it will be ok. You can always come visit me in France." I said quietly as he began to just whimper and hiccup. "I'm sure it will all work out, besides Ludwig is my soulmate anyways, he'll realize it eventually and then he'll come back for me." At the last part his eyes widening up in a big wide happy expression only slightly dampened by his earlier emotions.

~Ludwig's pov~

I walked past Marr's room when I heard Italy tell her about the deal between Francis and I. I was quite saddened by her departure but I couldn't ignore what my boss said if I did I would be fired and end up growing old and dieing ( a/n: which would totally suck!). 

"I'm sure it will all work out, besides Ludwig is my soulmate anyways, he'll realize it eventually and come back for me....." I heard Marr soflty say to Felli and my eyes widened. i am her soulmate? I can't give her to France now! This is my only chance with her.... 

I feel something wet hit my cheeks and my hand automattically comes up to find tears on my face, my emotions not able to be inhibited by the thoughts that me and Marr would never be able to experience the things a pair such as us would share. No fist kiss, no proposal, no anniversary, no vacations together,no loving things spoken at late, no weird moments, no saving of my brother from an enraged lover....  None of that and Marr would be stuck with that pervert, because as everyone knows, what france loves and gets he keeps till you die.... And I had forever to mope and grieve my lost love....


A/N: Hey guys i know i haven't edited this so its got to have a bunch of mistakes but i really wanted to make it up to you guys for not updating for so long and that i know this is a little mushy for Germany... but i just think he should secretly be very soft under all that gruff and tuff attitude.... Any ways what do you think is going to happen next? Who ever has the best idea/guess will be fanned and have the next chapter dedicated to them!!! 

Adios lil heartbreakers!!!!


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