Chapter 2 ~arriving at Ludwig's place~

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Ludwig's POV

UHH!FELLI IS SO STUPID! WHY CAN'T THAT STUPID ITALIAN REALIZE MARR DOESN'T WANT TO GO TO OUR PLACE!!! I just, don't get it, she tried to get away and yet that man still wants to take her home? Seriously? How oblivious can he be, she obviously didn't want to come home with us! I looked coldly over to her again, refusing to let my sympathy show, it just wouldn't be acceptable. She may look a little odd (a/n: she looks like the mermaid on the cover), but she made me feel a little...weird... and sympathy would make Italy suspicious. If Italy was suspicious then Prussia would get suspicious, and then I was screwed!


I walked in to my modest house, not surprised to see Prussia sprawled across the floor, too drunk to even be awake. I sighed as I walked past quietly with Marr in my arms as Italy ran past with the tank, his face flushed with excitement. I sighed and angrily 'harumphed' before walking up the stairs to the attic, where Gilbert hopefully didn't find this rather strangely beautiful creature in my arms.

I spoke too soon. " VEST!!! VHAT IZ DAT FISH IN YOUR ARMS?" he hungrily looked Marr over.

"Idiot it's a mermaid! Italy caught it while we were at his country. Her name is, uh, M-Marr..." I slowly ended, a faint blush on my cheeks as I realized that Marr was right in my arms.

"OOOOOOO!!!!! Luddy has a little fishy lover!" Gilbert sang in his annoyingly high voice, grating on my ear drums. " Marr and Luddy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G ! First comes love, next comes marriage, and next comes the ba-ifghoidghioehfodihfg!" He chocked as I smacked him upside the head and shoved my fist into his stupid pie-hole.

"Ludwig!" Marr yelled, "It's not nice to choke people before I talk to them!" Her face ending in an  embarrassed blush as she realized her weird outburst.

I looked down to hide my chuckle as I realized my brother and  Marr would probably end up killing each other, so, why not let her meet the weirdo? "Sorry, Marr... This is Gilbert. Idiotic brother of mine this is the strangely...sensational Marr." I lapsed lamely as I attempted to think of a word to describe the ethereal beauty she possessed with out sounding creepy.


Leave it to Prussia to single-handedly screw up his first encounter by being a pervert.

~just a little while ago~

"So, Marr, why do you look more like a fish and not an awesomely sexy mermaid?" Gil asked, eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Well," Marr began slowly from the top of the tank, "My people live in a part of the oceans that is quite dangerous for normally 'sexy' mermaids. If we look like fish more than humans the monsters in the waters pass us by for the more delicious looking humanoids."

"hmmm..." that idiot began, his  pervertedness, a perceivable aura ,"If so, then how do your people reproduce?" His eyes brimming with amusement as Marr's face became crimson red.

~back to the present~

"w-w-we-west! sa-save m-me!" Gil called weakly as his face turned a mottled blue/red/purple color. I was meanwhile sitting against the far wall trying not to laugh, my face becoming a rather ridiculous shade of pink. Maybe this girl being here wouldn't be so bad and maybe Italy wasn't so stupid...



Hey my pretties! Alvainia here! Ask me and K 'yes or no' questions so we can ask Kay's "mystical" beads stupid questions. {between me an you they're are scary accurate} and please leave at least one vote and two comments below....  

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