Chapter 15- You Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Start from the beginning

“I'm really glad that you're doing this Liam. I'm proud of you,” Mr. Higgins smiled proudly at Liam. He was surprised that the small innocent boy with adorable brown eyes is now very much grown up with tattoos covering his body, but he knows that deep inside, Liam is still the same innocent boy that loves his family dearly he once knew. Liam smiled a bit, knowing that he was doing the right thing, and someone else, other that Joel, was proud of his talent. He needed that. “Well, I shall leave you to it,”

Mr. Higgins left the gym with a smile on his face, not even acknowledging Niall's existence who even waved at the P.E teacher but was ignored, leaving Niall and Liam alone in the. Niall turned his attention back to Liam who is changing into his gym clothes,...right in front of Niall. Niall's eye bulge out as Liam took off his shirt, his muscle shining under the light. Liam then proceeded to take off his jeans, leaving half naked in a pair of tight black boxers. Niall felt like he had die and went to heaven, where the angels are bulky with tattoos covering their muscle. But it soon ended when Liam took out a pair of basketball shorts and a white tank top. Once he was dressed again, Niall let out a sigh of disappointment when Liam finished dressing up.

Liam started his warming-up routine like he used to when he was in the boxing team, and he couldn't deny the fact that he love Niall's company. He knows that Niall was watching his every move, his every breath. He would've feel uncomfortable if other people were watching him exercise or practice, even Louis, but with Niall he felt comfortable, and more confident. After he finished with his warming-up routine, he proceeded to wrap his hands with the athletic wrap for the punching bag. Even though he had quit the boxing team, but he still fight in the underground tournament for money, so this will quite easy for him. He had fought guys that were twice his size, some even with weapons and won. So, high school boxers won't be much of a problem to him but he will be a problem to them. Underground fights doesn't have any rules, but high school boxing championship has loads of bullshit rules; this is a problem to him because if he let his emotions gets the best of him, his opponent can kiss his high school butt goodbye.

Niall watched carefully as Liam deliver punches after punches on the red punching bag. He could physically see that the punches were stronger that Zayn's. Niall used to watch Zayn work-out with the punching bag, but Zayn's punches never made the punching bag shook like that. The chains connecting the punching bag to the ceiling would rattle vigorously. Sweats were pouring down Liam's body, making the white tank top stuck to his muscle but there was no signs of fatigue etched on his face. He was absolutely focused on the punching bag and the punches he delivered were precise and hard.

Without giving it a second thought, Niall walked up to Liam who was oblivious to Niall's presence beside him. Liam's sweaty smell mixed with his cologne invaded his nostrils when Niall stood right behind him. Niall felt a sudden urge to hug Liam from behind and cuddle him close, but shook his head to get rid of the silly idea.

“Uhhh Liam?” Niall called out softly, not wanting to startle the larger boy. Fortunately, Liam could sense Niall's presence even before he called him. He stopped punching and turned around slowly. His breath was slight ragged due to the vigorous activity he's doing, but the small distant between him and Niall made his breath hitched. He wanted nothing more than to wrap Niall in his arms again, but with his sweaty body, he was sure that Niall would feel disgusted by it.

“Can I uhhh,.... Can you teach me to punch like that?” Niall asked, his eyes widening involuntarily like he always do whenever he wants something from someone. Liam was taken aback by both Niall's request and how damn cute he look with that wide, bright blue eyes.

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