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Someday I won't be looking for someone to fill in the vacant spaces of my time. I won't be browsing my rather short contact list for someone to call. He or she will be there, waiting by the door of the classroom with the right topic of conversation in hand.

Someday I won't be finding solace in books. Someday reading and writing will purely be a passion rather than an escape. Someday I'll be laughing and actually living my life.

One of these days you will not find me sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria or at fast food joints, splurging on food to make me feel better about being friendless. Someday I'll be going on walks and chatting on benches with someone who's worth my time.

Someday I'll find some company, but sadly, today was not that day. But each time I wake up, I know I'm a day closer to finding you. God, I hope you're on your way.

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