Blue Moon

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Sometimes it's too much trouble to reach out.

I wonder what being friends is about.

It's becoming more about the highs than the lows,

Becoming careful with what you show

Because you only want smiles

When you see them every once in a while.

And after a day

Of feeling like nothing's changed,

You'll wave goodbye with a "see you soon."

My elusive blue moon.

A part of me is always hidden in the shadows,

And I hate myself for growing too big for you to swallow.

You can't stomach my hurt or my pain,

or my pulsating brain.

You are too busy to look into my eyes

When I'm drunk at half past five

On a cocktail of dreams and doubts--

Is this what friendship is about?

Your hair shines and bounces as you skip away,

But I don't feel too bad, I know you're here to stay.

You won't drink with me

But when you see me beat-up on the curb

You'll carry me home.

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