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malibu, california

"miss me babygirl?" sammy wilkinson asked the pretty brunette that just stepped into the kitchen.

lauren rolled her eyes, scoffing a little before answering,"well right now, i sure miss not seeing you everyday."

sammy's confident smile fell and he let out a soft sigh.

"you can't still hate me." he semi pleaded, his blue eyes locking on his ex girlfriend, a girl he cheated on.

"you must underestimate my ability to hold a grudge." lauren replied, putting the last of the groceries away.

as much as lauren didn't want to know the answer of her question,she found herself asking sammy,

"so where's the bad jack?" she asked, trying to seem playful to hide the fact that she was terrified of him being in the same house as her.

sammy's features softened more at the mention of gilinsky, and his lips pursed.

"i asked him not to come, i really did.. he's outside i think." he answered her, getting up and walking to the door.

sammy stopped in the doorway, looking at lauren;

"hey, you look good lauren." sammy complimented, noticing how the few months of not being in omaha effected her, for the better.

"you don't look to bad yourself wilk." she said back, pulling a plate out for her food, a small smile on her plump lips that let him know he still had hope at being in her life.

sammy walked out of the kitchen, to the back patio where his good friend, jack gilinsky was sitting, looking like an anxious mess for a very good reason.

"how was it?" gilinsky asked sammy, his foot tapping against the deck at a rapid pace.

"you got called the 'bad jack'." sammy admitted, making jack chuckle bitterly.

"why don't you just give her up? it was a highschool fling, you won't get her back, just try to be her friend." sammy said to jack, clenching his jaw just thinking about the night gilinsky hit lauren.

"maybe you're right, but i'm not accepting that." jack announced, standing up and walking inside to find lauren leaned against the counter, stopping short at how beautiful she looked.

"you want to talk gilinsky? let's talk then because i don't want you near me for more than twenty minutes." lauren announcer, boredly looking up from her phone.

"fine, let's talk." jack said, trying to hide his hurt in her statement.

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