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I have done a lot of writing in my life, where some people find comfort in the color red, or in the eternity black, I find solace in the pure white, the blank page, where I can use my life as template to create something wonderful.

The blank page gives me the ability to sit down, take something terrible, and make it beautiful. Who can truly deny the feeling of comfort in seeing something you struggle with become something great?

This is why we, as a species, enjoy silly things like The Princess Bride, because at the end of the page, reality is still terrible, but we still desire to see something wonderful. Everything I have ever posted across my dozen or so pseudonyms has been a glorification of something terrible that has happened to me, but what the world hasn't seen is when I'm honest, the world hasn't seen my little blue notebook, the pages yellowing, and brittle, falling out, and tearing at the lightest touch; a physical representation of my deteriorating soul, where my reality remains real, and I just remove the names.

It's those stories one rarely desires, or seeks out.

Now don't disregard this because I said that, those particular words shall rarely, if ever, grace your screen, rather it's just something I wanted to bring up.

This is just things that have no other home, and I hope you find something in them, however often they arrive, however strange they may be.


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