Shackles Of Love (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

"Come on" Dan whispered and Phil got up following him. They managed to stay covered but it was already dark and there was no point in trying to get out so they found a little cave like thing and settled in for the night.

"But won't there be more people tomorrow" Phil asked as he ate some crackers.

"Yeah but we can't possibly find our way in the dark and we definitely can't use a flash-light." Dan said.

Phil sighed.

"Let's forget about all that for now, yeah?" Dan said. It was dark and he couldn't see Dan but he knew Dan was smiling.


Dan sat closer to him and wrapped his hands around Phil's waist and kissing his neck. They cuddled, kissed and talked before Phil fell asleep even after repeated requests from Phil to sleep. But he had said he had to keep watch.

Phil woke up the next day to a sleep deprived Dan eating crisps smiling as he saw Phil.

Phil sat up stretching a little. He was so glad Dan was still safe and sound right next to him. Without a second thought Phil attacked Dan's lips hungrily kissing him.

"Someone wants all the kisses today" Dan said.

"It's not my fault that you're so beautiful" Phil mumbled.

They kissed until Dan politely pushed him away.

"Philly we have to go" he said and Phil's face fell as reality crashed down on his shoulders because he knew he couldn't spend all his life in this tiny little cave with Dan. He has to get out.

With a measly meal of a handful of BBQ crisps Phil and Dan were ready to leave.

They got out and crouched down. It wasn't long until they saw all those people who were huddled with rifles waiting to kill Dan. They were hidden behind the trees but they won't be safe for long.

With little steps they moved forward and because Phil is stupid he steps on a branch breaking it in half the sound reaching one of the guards. Their eyes meet for a second. And he positions his rifle as they begun to run. 

Phil had never ran so fast before as he hears the gunshots echoing. He has no idea how he is dodging them. In front of him Dan runs faster dragging Phil faster. Phil is breathless but he knows he can't stop.

And it all goes downhill when Dan stumbles down taking Phil with him. And before he even processes what happens there's only darkness in front of Phil's eyes.


Phil can feel his hair yanked hard as his eyes open and he eyes. It took him a minute to process the scene. There were 3 men in front of him smirking at him.

"Oh hello Lester" one of them the leader between them said.

Phil didn't reply. He searched for Dan when he realized he was tied up to a tree. And on the other side was Dan with a broken nose, a bleeding lip completely passed out.

"Dan" Phil screamed and he heard them laugh.

"You are too concerned for him"

"Fuck you" Phil spat.

"Ohh he's got a bad mouth" the man said laughing.

"Let us go" Phil said.

"Oh no honey. Not until your stupid father gives me the fucking money I need" he said as he sat down on the chair.

Phil cursed under his breath. The man stood up and kicked Dan on his stomach. Dan groaned stirring.

"Don't do that" Phil warned.

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