His arm was wrapped around a dark haired girl. She was pretty. Her blue eyes pierced through the camera as her red lips puckered together, blowing a kiss to the photographer. Her right cheek pressed against Harry’s cheek. He was smiling…. holding her hand….

The front cover read “Has One Direction Member, Harry Styles, Found New Love While on Tour? Read more about inside!" I walked away, from the spot I had occupied not two seconds before.

I felt ill in a matter of seconds. My stomach turning in circles as the room began to feel smaller. Harry found someone new, someone with a lot less baggage than I had. I didn’t blame him for finding someone new, someone with less drama. I didn't blame him, but shit was I mad. I began to hyperventilate. Chest rising up and down with every breath I was trying to catch. I was a fool. I was an idiot, thinking that this was actually a fairy tale that would play out and live happily ever after. This was a nightmare.

“It’s going to be okay,” I heard a small petite voice call out from behind me. Turning around, I saw a familiar face. Rosie. Her bright smile brought calmness throughout my body. But in a matter of seconds, it brought confusion.

I was confused; Rosie was thousands of miles away. How could she be in America? She was in the hospital for a few days, so the doctors could monitor her symptoms. Her parents had called me saying she wasn't feeling well.... there was no way she could be here, standing right infront of me.

“How did you-“

“It’s going to be okay.” she repeated.

The sound of my alarm woke me up. It was just a dream...

Reaching for my phone, it read ten in the morning. I lifted myself up from the pillow, stretching away all of my exhaustion, frustration, and fear out of my body.

Mine and Harry’s room felt empty. He had left for the remainder of the tour just two nights ago. The memory of him leaving was still fresh.


At the drop off point, I remembered not wanting to let him out of my embrace. Hugging him tightly, I wanted to stay like this forever. Tears falling down my cheeks proved that I was not completely okay with him leaving. I knew he was leaving for a good cause. To achieve his dream and make millions happy. I loved that about him... no matter what came in his way... he always made sure to be there for his fans.

“I’ll be okay darling.” he whispered into my ear before kissing my cheek.

“I know but I am going to miss you so much.” I hugged him tighter, probably squeezing all of the air out of his lungs. I was going to leave for America soon, so we were going to be even farther apart for a few weeks.

“I know love, but I’ll be there before you leave to home.” he had promised me that, even if it were for one night, he would fly back and tell me goodbye before I flew home. “No matter what, I’ll see you.” I nodded my head at his promise, knowing he would try his hardest to make it happen.

“Let’s go Harry!” Louis walked up to us, patting Harry on his back to signal him that it was time to leave. “Emily, We’ll take care of this little boy for you.” he laughed.

“I. am. a. man.” he demanded, making me laugh at his tone. Giving me one more strong kiss against my lips, he hugged me goodbye. Like that, he was on board the plane and leaving.

***flashback over***

I was now thinking back to my dream. The thought of another girl wrapped around Harry made my heart feel as though it was squeezed in my chest. He had reassured me thousands and thousands of times that he would never do such a thing. That he loved me and was not looking for anyone else.

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