We all fall down.

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---Emily's POV--- 

I had to leave. I couldn't be there. Finals were coming up right around the corner. If I gave in to Harry's pleads, I knew that life would get difficult. Whether I picked Harry or Brandon, there was going to be so much drama. I needed to keep my mind on school. 

I walked around the city for a bit. My eyes had grown puffy from crying so much. Yes, I cried. When I got out of Harry's grip, I told him that he left me alone. It was true. I was always alone before Harry came into the picture. When we were best friends, he'd always be texting me, finding different ways to give me sweet surprises, making me feel special. But then he hurt me. He kicked me out of his car, and he blocked me from his phone. He went to the extent of actually making sure I could never be able to talk to him. 

I bought a cup of tea at a nearby starbucks. The warm feeling it brought me calmed my nerves. Sitting at the table, I felt a vibrate.. my phone. 

"Please don't let it be Harry" I silently prayed. I didn't want to do this, not now atleast. After finals..... maybe.  It wasn't Harry, it was Brandon. Odd?

From: Brandon- Hey, how's it going? 

That was strange, he never texted me randomly like this. Unless it was him asking, scratch that, TELLING me to make him dinner. I wasn't in the mood for Brandon's nonsense. I didn't want him to see me like this...'a mess'. 

To: Brandon- still here, won't be home til later tonight. g2g

I sent the text. I was not going to cook anything today, only for him to call and say he can't make it for dinner? Nope, not today. I stayed sitting down at the starbucks. I was too comfortable to move any where. I felt another vibration. Rolling my eyes in frustration, I grabbed my phone from the table. What the hell did Brandon want now? It wasn't Brandon. No it wasn't Harry either. It was Niall. He was calling me. 

"Hello?" I answered, taking a sip of my tea. 

"Hey, wanna hang out?" I would have said no, that I needed to study, that I wanted to be home. But this was Niall. My superman best friend. I giggled at my thoughts. 

"Yeah, we can hang out." I really needed to get my mind of Harry. Maybe Niall can help me. 

"Cool!" he excitedly yelled. Yes, yelled. Right into my ear.

"Ow!" I laughed, "I really need my hearing Niall, then I won't be able to hear your  amazing Irish accent."

"Sorry," He whispered, making me laugh even more. "Where are you?"

"At the Starbucks on Main." He told me he was about ten minutes away, but that he'd be there in a bit. I nodded, despite the fact that he couldn't see me, and hung up. 

After a while, the blue eyed boy walked through the doors. He looked around until his eyes met mine. He smiled widely. His happiness contagious as I smiled back and waved. He walked up to me and grabbed my cup, taking a sip of my tea, he sat down. 

"Hey!" I laughed. He smiled, placing my cup down. 

"So what do you wanna do today?" he asked me, looking out of the window. It was about two-ish in the afternoon. The sun was out, so being outside was a definite must. 

"Let's go feed the ducks at the park!" I cheered. He nodded and got up to the cashier. Where's he going?

"I'll have two teas, and two little sweet breads," He said pointing at a tray of sweets next to him. Paying the cashier, he walked towards me and handed me a new cup of tea. "We can share this one," He said, holding up one of the breads, "and this one, we'll feed to the ducks." 

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