[CHAPTER 14] Preparations

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"I don't think I'll ever be the same," I groaned, turning on the common room couch.

Hermione sighed, clutching her forehead. "Kataleen, you heard Madam Pomfrey. Arlin will be fine."

"Think I'd believe that?" I said, sitting up. In a flash Arlin's weak body from 3 days ago appeared before me, and I vigorously shook my head, and saw nothing but the blazing fireplace.

"Kataleen, please. If you don't live with him I'd say you have a crush on him."

"You're not helping!"

"You aren't as well!" Hermione exclaimed, closing her book. "Harry's at Quidditch practice. Ron and I are researching about Nicholas Flamel. And you stay there, complaining like a newborn!"

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Help look for Flamel, or study for our upcoming tests," she said casually, looking at her book. She irritably closed it, standing. "Or join on going to the library to get a new book."

Once at the library, we -- yes, I joined Hermione the arse pain -- began browsing through different books. Ron was also looking for books about Flamel. Somewhere through browsing we saw Harry come in, in his regular student's robes.

"Practice was tiring. Came to help. And I've gotta tell you something," said Harry in a whisper, sitting beside Ron.

We all looked at him as he beckoned us closer, and we all huddle around him. "I saw Snape threatening Quirrel. He wanted him to stop doing something. When Snape saw me he ordered me to leave, and when I did I heard Quirrel stuttering more than ever."

"What could be so big that Professor Quirrel's so nervous?" I asked.

"I don't know. Neither mentioned what they were arguing about. In fact, Quirrel even seemed so clueless about their argument."

Hermione sighed. "Well. We can focus on that later but for now, let's do some more important things."

We all nodded. While looking for Flamel I came across a book for our upcoming Herbology test. I decided to check it out, too. But as I held on to it, someone tugged it from the other side of the shelf.

"Hey!" I hissed, jerking it towards me sharply. I went to the other side of the shelf to see who started the tug-of-war, and was just surprised to see Albion.

"Why, Albion!" I said with a friendly smile. I haven't really been seeing him around much.

He grinned. "Hey hey, Kataleen. Irwin's been looking for you. He's over at our study table."

"Huh? Uh, okay," I said as he tugged me towards a table with just Irwin sitting, eye drooping as he read a book.

"Win, found Kataleen here," said Albion, making Irwin lazily look up.

Upon seeing me he smiled. "Kataleen! I've been looking all over Hogwarts for you ever since the first game the other day! Where have you been?"

"Arlin's badly injured, thanks to your house mates," I said, refusing Albion's offer that I sit. "Besides, I've been particularly busy, reviewing for the upcoming tests."

"Sorry about that. They can be some big cheaters oftentimes. And congrats for winning the match!" Irwin said cheerily, closing his book.

"A Slytherin congratulating a Gryffindor? Is this real life?" I said in a dramatic voice, and everyone in the library shushed me.

Irwin laughed. "Oh, don't worry, this is. Flint's a dirty little captain I don't approve of."

"Oh," I smiled. "So, why'd you come looking for me again?"

Harry, Kat, and Spellbound ➩ Book 1 [Harry Potter] | #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now