[CHAPTER 1] Unexpected Package

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"Kataleen! Come down here!"

Kataleen paused, putting down a thick fantasy novel she borrowed from the city library and opening her door halfway. She took a step back when she suddenly saw Gina, standing there.

"Well, well, well. Kataleen has finally decided to get out of her maid's quarters she doesn't thank over our generosity for the room," she huffed, then yelled, "Mum, Kataleen here is hiding from you!"

"Well tell her to come down!"

"You heard her." Gina threw her down the staircase. She rolled a bit down step after step until she controlled herself. Looking up with pain she saw Gina smirking and also descending the staircase. She kicked her out of the way before continuing to go down.


Kataleen got up, ignoring her aching back. She saw everything was kinda blurry, but she could still see and distinguish her surroundings well. Nonetheless, she looked down and saw her new glasses, putting it on while yelling, "Coming!"

Downstairs, Cherry was wearing an blue, elegant silk dress. Her hair was freely flowing and she had an awful lot of makeup on. "Now I don't want you to mess things up, okay? You know well my friends are coming for Gina's post-party for graduation. You know what to do?"

"I'll be the maid, not letting them know I'm... Dad's child," she said quietly, looking away. She definitely wouldn't acknowledge her as her mother -- maybe as her mother, but not her mummy -- after everything that happened in the past 2 weeks after awarding ceremony. Her father had to attend a year-long business trip after the ceremony and she was treated like a maid, made to do the chores, even Gina's. She had herself forced to read her books even in the darkness to escape her slavery, which resulted to her already unsteady eyesight slowly failing her and her sneaking secretly in Cherry's bedroom to find her father's old glasses for usage.

"Good. And you, my precious?" Cherry said, patting Gina's curly locks. Only then did Kataleen realise she was wearing a fine, green dress that reached her knees, golden stilettos, and a heavy layer of makeup.

"I'll be at my best behaviour," said Gina, smirking mockingly at Kataleen, who was looking at her sideways with narrow eyes.

"Good! Oh, the neighbours are so proud! How much more your darling godparents?" Cherry squealed, then turned to Kataleen.

"Should I change now, ma'am?" she said softly. It wasn't her to speak very quietly, but in her new life stage, she adapted the speaking mannerism.

"Yes. Prepare the table, and my friends will be here fairly soon." Turning to Gina she said, "And darling, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"I won't, mummy. I definitely won't hesitate," she smirked, glancing sideways at the fleeing Kataleen.

Kataleen let out a heavy sigh before changing into a maid's uniform, courtesy of her mother -- no, her mistress. She felt jealous of all the attention Gina was getting while, alas, here she is, in a black dress and white apron, holding a tray of orange juice and passing it to her sister's supporters. Indeed, life for Kataleen is hard without her father.

After setting the table, Kataleen waxed the floors, though it was waxed just a fair hour ago. The brown floors stood out and nearly became scarlet. With all the time left she arranged the couch pillows while Cherry and Gina were upstairs, their chats regarding stylishness and proper decorum for the impending visitors reaching Kataleen's ears.

While resting and just listening to the music she was playing on her phone given on her 10th birthday the year before, she heard a scream and immediately turned it off, rushing to the kitchen.

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