Brotherly Bonding- 2

Start from the beginning

He finally glances sideways, giving me a look that tells me to stop my camera-free picture taking.

We pull up to the school, a few kids loitering outside, smoking and talking secretively. I move to leave, but feel his hand on my shoulder. "Hey."

I turn back, "Yeah?"

"See you soon, midget." He pulls me closer and hugs me with one arm, his badass facade crumbling pitifully. I smile and throw a quick goodbye at him, speeding out of the car and into the school.


This is Ben's POV, thanks!


I look at my cousin, smacking the back of his head to get his attention. Tyler turns and glares playfully.

"What?" he asks, a little anger dripping into his voice. "Problem?"

"Nah, I'm just bored as shit and hungery."

"We could go 'play'!" He laughs a little too loudly, but only because everyone else in the house is upstairs. He steps closer to me, getting in my face. "It could help with the second thing, if I try hard enough."

"No, come on. Let's go for a walk, Ash took the kid to school." He agrees, then, as I go to get our coats, grumbles complaints as to why we're even up this early.

We race each other out the door and down the first street, our matching unzipped coats flapping behind us. That ends when, laughing, I nearly launch myself into a pole. That brings on more hysterics from Tyler, to which I swing a light punch.

He leads us to a fast food place and we dine like champions, each a burger, sharing fries and a rootbeer. It's weird how when circumstances come, you get closer to people faster than you would think possible. I hadn't met Tyler until a short while before we moved in with the guys. We were cousins by his father, my mother. But had just never met. Things kept us apart. It was almost funny, because now we are joined at the hip.

I choke on a fry when I finish that thought, an all too literal picture in my head. He chuckles cautiously, "You okay?"

Nodding and coughing, I smile back at him, "Oh yeah, very okay..."

Getting some sort of hint, he nods knowingly back, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Too funny!" I say back, in response to a story he was telling me. Apparently when he was in grade school, a girl named Emily Ellis was attacked by her classmates, a dozen pieces of gum stuck in her bushy red hair, papers thrown at her (Spit ball-made and not), milk was poured down her clothes (horrible dresses and baggy tights, clunky shoes and socks that bunched), her glasses were stolen and her braces taunted. This wasn't the only thing I found funny, what had me holding my sides was the speech the teacher gave afterwards, Miss What's-Her-Face holding Emily to her side and listing everything that was done to her, acting completely aghast... And subtly yanking at a spit ball/chunk of gum, causing the girl to tear up and yelp with each tug.

"Dude... That... That's horrible..." I wheeze.

"Why are you laughing then?"

"... Smart ass..."

Our clucking dies out when we both notice someone ahead of us, a girl in shiny heeled boots that go past her calfs, a black skirt about three inches under her ass, and a thin red tanktop barely keeping her breasts covered.

What a wonderful city, prostitutes and McDonalds- all on the same block!

"Heeeeeey, boys!" She squakes, walking closer to us. "How you doing, doing good?"

She smiles a little too big, getting a little too close. She has Tyler leaning backwards to avoid her lips, his hands up to try and hold her at bay. "Um..."

"Now, names ain't importan' in my biss, but you can call me Jill. 'Kay baby?" She brings her smirk to me, backing up luckily to get a better view. "You guys want a good, good time?"

"We- uh. What?" I stammer. She laughs, pushing her chest out even farther.

"You two brothers? You could be damn twins, are ya?" She chews her gum noisely, squinting. "I mean, that's not your real hair colour is it?"

I self-consciously look at the glass in the store window next to us. Then Tyler asks for me, "What, never seen someone with white blonde hair before?"

I almost want to laugh again, just the sound of it. He has told before that he admires it.

"Whatever. Come on boys, we can have a good time." She says, getting way too close for comfort. She whispers in my ear, "Unless, you're with... Them... Not you two, eh babe?"

"Look!" Tyler says, pulling my arm and getting me away from the woman. He smiles, a huge, innocent smirk plastered on his face. "We're gay! Bye!"

We leave Jill completely perplexed, her mouth hanging open, probably trying to figure out how she lost a sale so suddenly. The low sound of the woman cursing heavily (surprisingly) in Italian reachs our ears.

We get a good two streets away when I crack up. "What the hell was that!?"

"I don't know... How to get away from whores 101?" he chuckles at himself.

"You, my loyal companion, should be a professor." I say jokingly, shoving my hands in my pockets and continuing on the way home.

"Yeah... How much do you think they make?"

Brotherly Bonding [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now