Chapter 19

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Emily's P.O.V

I watched as the two went at each other. Demetri trying his best to get a good hold on Damon so he could sink his teeth into him. But Damon would get the upper hand and would land a blow of his own with a giant paw raking marks across his opponent's chest. They continued this dance around each other, trading blow for blow. I soon lose them in all the chaos and found myself face to face with three vampires. They just stand there hissing at me, fangs protruding. I just smile at the idiots before I sprint to them, jumping and shifting in midair landing on the first one slamming it into the ground with enough force to give me the satisfying crunch I was hoping for.

I turn to the other two and growl, one stupidly lashes out at me raking their nails over one of my sides. I let out a whimper but quickly move in and clamp my jaw down on its shoulder ripping the arm right off. Blood spurts into the air and it lets out a horrible screech before I bury my muzzle deep in its throat ripping it out. Two down many more to go.

Tessa stirs wanting to really be let out, but I push her back. This was my fight just as much as it was hers. I'll let her have her fun but only after I was satisfied.

I spend too much time fighting with Tessa that I don't sense the vampire coming up behind me until I am slammed to the floor, sharp nails digging into my hind legs. I thrash trying to throw the creature off of me as they inch closer trying to sink their fangs in my throat. They could either rip out my throat with the force or just bite me. Wither way once their teeth punctures my sink, no matter what part of my body, I will die. That is one thing Demetri didn't understand when he planned to take me as a mate.

I keep fighting for my life, snapping my jaws trying to clamp anywhere. A blur of grey flashes over me crashing into the monster knocking them away. Sharp teeth and claws tare the body apart sending blood everywhere. I stand on painful legs and look at the wolf that saved me. Beautiful blue eyes meet mine and I instantly know who it is, but before I could mind link him a vampire goes up behind him and sinks its fangs deep into his neck. I shift in an instant and sprint to him.

"Todd!!" I scream out.

He gets enough strength and rips himself from the vampire and clamps his own jaws down on his neck snapping bones and ripping him apart.

I reach him in my human form just as he slumps to the ground, shifting back into his human form. I lay him across my lap and try to put pressure on his neck. Tears stream across my face as he looks up at me.

"You're going to be okay. You'll be fine." I push back my tears trying to stay strong.

"Ems... It's... it's okay." He chokes out blood trailing down the corner of his mouth.

I shake my head. "Hold on. I will take care of you. You will be okay. You're an idiot, why did you save me?" My voice hitches

He closes his eyes and swallows painfully before looking back up at me. He puts his hand to my cheek, he's already feeling cold. "Because risking my life to save yours is worth it. Ive always loved you Emily. You were the light that overcame my darkness after I lost her. I knew you would never really be mine because you belong to Damon. But you gave me hope. And I will forever love you and be thankful for that. Knowing that I'll leave this place in your arms, it's the best thing in the world." He is struggling to breath at this point. "Promise me one thing."

I nod my head tears clouding my vision.

"Don't ever stop being who you are. The person you are is the one we both fell in love with. Give Damon a second chance. He really does love you."

"You're not going to leave me. Stay. Please." I whine

"I will always be with you, love." His hand drops from me cheek, and I hear the air leave his lungs.

"Todd? Todd!! No!! you can't leave!! Don't leave me!!" I shook him, but he was gone.

I started gasping for air before I let out a loud piercing scream loud enough that any remaining glass shattered and everyone stood still around me. I feel a rush through my veins, and my vision heightens. I stand and turn the reins over to Tessa. We shift put I felt more to it. We tore through vampires one after another. Ripping out throats, off heads, throwing them into shattered glass. Tessa wasn't letting anything go.

We soon came to stand in front of Damon and Demetri. I saw the pride laced with sorrow in Damon's eyes, but he wasn't my focus. Tessa prowled towards Demetri causing him to step back a few times. Tables have turned; We now were the predator Demetri was our prey.

He is going to pay for everything he has done. All the pain he has caused. The deaths and blood that is on his hands!

This will be our justice, seek Tessa.

She growls out and decides to speak directly to Demetri. How she was able, I don't know. But she did.

"You, Demetri, have caused to much destruction in your rein. It's time for it to end. Sooner or later all empires fall. This is your end. Demetri, King of Vampires; I, Tessa, true daughter of the Moon Goddess and Mate to the Alpha King Ethan, have judged you and found you guilty. You sentence is death which will be effective immediately!"

We lung directly for him. Stun from our words he dodges to late and Tessa sinks her teeth deeply in his throat. We hear the crunch we were going for before she pulls back, effectively pulling his head off his shoulders.

We toss it at Damon's feet before we shift. We wait for him to get over the shock and to the same. He picks up Demetri's head and turns to the remaining vampires.

"Demetri, King of Vampires is dead! Your deaths are to follow!" He booms out over the hall.

Soon every werewolf was in the hall and the remaining vampires were being ripped apart. I walk back down to where Todd's lifeless body lays. I pull his head back into my lap and stroke his hair. Damon comes up and wraps his arms around me. I hadn't realized I was crying again until he wiped at my tears.

"We cant leave him here." I whisper.

"We wont my love. He doesn't deserve this. He is to good of a wolf." He drapes a shirt over my shoulders. "I don't want everyone gawking at your naked body." I was thankful that my hair hid my back.

Once all the vampires were killed and the wolves shifted I was engulfed in strong arms. The scent told me it was my father. I buried my face in his chest and everything we quiet for a while. I pull away and look at everyone around.

"How many?"

My father just looks at me. "One warrior, Micha and Todd."

"Have yall found Marcus and Chet?" I question.

"They are being held in the cellars until we leave. They will die tomorrow at sun down." Damon states to me.

"We have a lot to discuss, esp. Tessa's little speech. But now's not the time. Let's get our fallen and you home. Safe. You will rest after you bathe. Then we will talk my daughter." My father speaks up telling everyone that after tonight we will not speak of what happened here. This shouldn't have happened but they broke the paranormal treaty and took something that didn't belong to them.

Everyone agreed and Damon takes it upon himself to carry Todd's body back home. He didn't think it would be respectful for anyone else to do so.

Okay so here is Emily/ Tessa


And Todd/Clay

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