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Present- Emily's P.O.V.

I sat there going over the same paper work that I had been working on for the past three hours. I couldn't focus tonight. The wolf inside me, which has been quiet for some time now, started to get restless. I figured it was because I had just turned 20 and haven't been mated yet. Being both female and the alpha of a pack, of his pack, it was mandatory for me to mate or my position could be challenged by anyone. So my father, who was still alpha of his pack, was holding a gathering between the four packs in our area. There would be well over 300 in attendance, all in attempt to find me a mate worthy of being Alpha male.

But truth was, I didn't want anyone else. I had already found my mate. Found and lost. 3 years ago. But before we had a chance to mark each other and complete the ritual, he was taken from me. Everyone knew of our relationship and our bond from the day we laid eyes on each other. He didn't hesitate to stake claim to me. Everyone also knew how much we loved and hated each other. I was so scared at the time of being mated, seeing as I was only 17 and he 23. So he agreed he would give me three months, enough time for us to get to know each other and for me to come to grips that I was fixing to be mated and leave my family home.

The night we chose to be mated, his packs home was attacked. By the time my father received word he was gone. No trace of him was found, period. No body, no blood. I always believed him to have been taken by our number one enemy, the undead. A vampire. And these aren't the sexy, keep your panties from dropping, flawless sparkle in the sun kind. Oh no. They are literally from a night mare.

Skin pale and rotten, long talons for finger nails, jagged teeth that will rip flesh, sunken faces and eyes. And the smell of death followed them in their wake. They toyed with theirs victims, and weren't prejudice on who they killed. Man, woman, child. It was a game to them to hear the screams of the ones the tormented.

The night he was attack will be a memory for ever etched into my mind. Every time I close my eyes I relive the pain of losing the love of my life. The pack, his pack, hadn't felt the loss of his death i tried to convince them he was alive. They fought for the first two years to believe it. But soon lost hope as, yet another year, draws closer to the anniversary of that fateful day. I can still remember the day we met, still feel his arms around me as he announced I was his mate.

Lost Alpha (Completed) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now