The old man tapped beside his left eye, "Those emerald eyes. Those white crowns that cannot be hidden like a Veil-sooth's. No...son of the gods...I think you should go south to Ilseda."

"Ilseda, Partisan?"

"The Kingdom of the Elves. They would know what to do with you. Here is too dangerous. Thank the gods you've made it through Terra without being noticed by Edrich."

"Well, I did work by him...," he turned to face Galiathan, "and you said he's a Puersa-sooth. Could he...identify me?"

The giant thought for a while. "If he did, you would be in his dungeon and not here with me."

Alsin shifted feet, a terrible feeling arising in his gut. He slightly could remember many times Edrich looking closely into his eyes. Maybe he knew he was a soother, but couldn't determine what he was.

Tumalda returned, "Cuve, your sleeping quarters is ready."

Partisan took hold of Alsin's shirt and shook his head. "No son of the gods should walk about wearing soiled clothing." He looked to his wife, "Sweetheart. Grab Sir Alsindad here one of Gran's shirts. Get one for Roger too and see to something clean for the boys."

"Yes," she sweetly said passing by them and exiting into the living room.

"It's late. We must continue this tomorrow. There is much more you need to learn, Mirror-sooth."


Alsin shifted onto his left side pulling the cover to his chin. He studied the giant lying on his back against the wall. A lantern sat between them, the only light source in the dark and cold basement. He listened to everyone's soft breathing hoping they dreamt well.

"Why are you still awake?" Galiathan asked stabbing the ceiling with his hard gaze.

"I can't wrap my head around what Partisan said...about my sooth and all,"

"I told you. You have much to discover Terran Knight."

"Are we going to go back? To Terra? They have Walta and maybe Kaahiss and Casper."

"And what do you supposed we should exchange in return?"

"What do you mean? Why can't we just break them out?"

The giant finally looked at him, "It will take a lot of planning and timing. The palace is secured by sorcery. Javana will take note of our presence. So again, I ask. What would you exchange?"

He thought for a while, "Myself."

"They don't want you."

"You heard what Partisan said. I am very important," he pointed out rolling his eyes. "They may want me for their personal use."

"They will kill you and everyone else," he bluntly said and returned to staring at the ceiling. "They want Galasia."

"To kill her too."

"Best we stay away for now."

"I can't abandon my people."

"Who said anything about abandoning? We have more important matters to concentrate on."

"Like what? We will bail Galasia out. You have the money and the resources."

Galiathan gave a grunted chuckle. "I have no money or any resources. I told you, no one likes Nightingale. But either way, she cannot fall into anyone's hands right now, especially Vivorian."

"Yeah, because they will kill her for being a witch and a soother probably!"

"No, Sir Alsindad Larius," he said turning to face him again. The lantern light sharply glistened across his pupils causing them to fade into the air and return. "Above all living in the midluns, King Vivorian knows one very important fact which I've disclosed to him many times to my mistake...Galasia is a princess, but she's also the rightful heir of Terra...and Iceburn...and all of the Midluns*."

Alsin's heart skipped a beat. He propped onto an elbow feeling his eyes burn. His jaw dropped in great shock and horror as this very important fact ran through his brain, he watched the giant swallow nervously and return a troubled gaze to the ceiling.     


*Midluns- Just the area where Terra, the Dauntless Mountains, and Iceburn are located in the realm. This will be added in during revisions.


Sorry for the short chapter, but the book is coming to a close. ONE LAST CHAPTER TO GO! Wow this was so much fun! Thank you for reading this book and sticking with it. I can't wait to do the revisions. I hope you would like what I tweet up. Please continue to vote or comment! 

Thank you, From GoldFantasy

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