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"Is that true?" Kit asked in a hesitant voice.

The girl beside him looked him straight in the eyes, "It is. My mom used to tell us a similar story at bedtime to make sure we didn't run off in places we shouldn't."

Alsin turned to Galiathan who stared idly at the floor. "Have you heard of this?"

"A time best forgotten," he said.

He looked back at the old man, "Would King Vivorian do such a thing? What type of man is he?"

"Every man has a decent cup of tolerance, but when it's knocked over who knows how he'll react. His daughter disappeared two months ago while riding with her company in the woods. There's one thing the people of Iceburn know about our king...he cherishes that girl."

"What if I go to the king on Galasia's behalf and have her released?"

"Oh no you won't do such thing. Matter of fact, you should keep your sooth a secret until it's best needed."


"Galiathan have you told him how special he is?"

"I told him only what I knew about Mirror-sooths. There hasn't been one in years."

"Centuries. Ahh you must be the next one. Oh blessed Gamael and Nile. We must've earned their favor somehow."

"Can you please explain?" Alsin said.

Alsin glanced at Galiathan who shook his head with uncertainty. Partisan rose and dashed across the room to a shelf and grabbed a mirror. The food he had eaten sent a sharp pain through his gut. He jumped to his feet and backed away from the approaching old man.

"Stop. What are you doing?"

"You are a Mirror-sooth," he said trembling with joy.

"I've been told," he said eyeing the mirror in his hand as if it was poison.

"You are higher than man and mystical. You possess the eyes of the gods," he said stuffing the mirror into a pocket and slowly approached him. He grabbed his chin and brought his face close to his so he could peer into his eyes. "You can look deep into a man's soul and know whether he'll live again or suffer in the Abyss."

"Uh..." he said not knowing what to say.

"You-son of the gods- your sooth places you above every soul in this realm. You can dream and see far into the unknown. Yes. Yes. Matter of fact, you are immortal."

"I doubt that..."

"Oh," the old man nodded with assurance, "I've heard many stories in my years of the great things a Mirror-sooth can do. The utmost one is the true fact you will out-live the children at this table and their children's children."

Then the unexpected happened. The old man kissed his forehead and both his cheeks. "The gods are good to bless us with their heart. They've given the realm another chance."

"Another chance at what?"

Partisan stepped away and pressed a hand against his heart, "Redemption and the defeat of the Dark Gods."

"Uh...I-I can barely survive the Doom, I don't know about fighting gods..." he awkwardly chuckled exchanging glances with Kit.

He laughed and bopped his head, "Don't worry. Seek the High Gods for help. They didn't give you life just to let it waste. So, I advise you, do not go to the king. Unlike Terra, people these days can spot a soother like a red ant in grass."

"How?" Kit asked.

Alsin shrugged, "I know right...how would they figure? I don't know how to use my...sooth," he shifted feet a sudden warmth of embarrassment washing over him.

The Knight's EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant