Chapter 9 - Mad

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Sam was still frozen where he stood when the attackers burst from the trees. He'd just witnessed the brutal slaughter of an innocent, intelligent creature. He tried to go after Feima's mother, who had mercilessly killed Belleby, but was cut off. A huge hoshind sprinted at him, its front claws rising to slash at him. A rider sat on its back, jabbing down at him with a lance. He instinctively spun and ducked simultaneously, dodging both attacks.

His sword was drawn by the time the hoshind turned to run at him again. Behind the mounted creature, he saw Letta chomp down viciously on an elf trying to stab at her legs. Blood and flesh burst from between her teeth like the juice from a popped grape. She saw him and started toward him, but was forced to stop as a group of six hoshind made a half circle before her. Sam's attention was pulled away as the hoshind and jockey lunged for him again.

He twisted and jumped to the left, his sword slashing into the creature's middle leg. It howled, rearing back and stomping down at him. He dodged again, but the beast managed to lacerate his left arm. Gritting his teeth, he summoned his magic. He closed his eyes against the light, preserving his night vision as the piercing glow lit the clearing. It darkened as he released it and opened his eyes.

The hoshind stumbled back, both it and its rider suddenly blinded. Sam used the opportunity and lunged. He sliced into the beast's eyes. And as it yanked its head back he slashed again, cutting its throat on his backswing. Hot blood sprayed his face. He jumped back, wiping his eyes. The elf tumbled from his saddle, and Sam made toward him. It was unnecessary however, as the small man's neck was broken by the fall.

'Behind!' Samson warned. Sam whirled, catching the attacker's sword on his through pure luck. The woman pulled back her short sword and stabbed at his gut. The blade glanced off his side as he danced to the right. Hot pain was accompanied by a grunt as he quickly grasped for his power.

This elf was ready for it and hid her eyes behind her shield, jabbing blindly at him again. He parried her attacks clumsily, wishing Samson had been able to teach him how to use his sword more. Another wound was made in his stomach before his first had sealed, and he was forced to close his eyes against the light as he forced more power into his body.

'Another coming from your left!' Samson called again.

'Damn, I can't keep getting hit like this! I need to be able to see!' He leapt right, avoiding an attack he couldn't see.

'It's hard for me to hold back the side effects! Let go of your magic already!' Samson said.

Sam released his magic and opened his eyes. Before him, the two elves stood, the newer arrival brandishing her two short swords. They converged, attacking in a flurry of movement. He knew instantly that he couldn't hold them off long as he blocked their rapid blows.

'Let me take control!' Samson said.

'Good idea.' Sam pulled away and swung with all his strength to drive them back, if only for a moment. They both dodged back, and he let his body relax. He felt his body begin to move, but he wasn't controlling it.

He ducked a swing from the dual wielder, and slashed at her legs. His sword lodged in bone and he yanked the blade free, pulling her legs from under her at the same time. She screamed as she fell backward.

"Damn, I'm not used to such a light blade." Samson muttered, the words coming out Sam's mouth.

He diverted another strike from the first elf and let go of the sword with his left hand. Stepping in close, he struck at her face. She reeled back with a bloody nose, crying out as her eyes began to water. Her shout became a scream as Samson severed her sword arm at the wrist with a clean upswing. He kicked against her shield, shoving her back as the dual wielder tried to rise.

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