Chapter 2 - Escape

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Sam woke with a start. He shot up, the coarse blanket falling to his side. He looked around, blinking rapidly. 'Where...?' He thought, trying to shake away his drowsiness. 'Another world... Crap, how did I forget?!'

The light of dawn was streaming in through the opening in the tent. Sam rubbed his eyes as he hurriedly swung his legs off the side of the bed. Horns began to blare as he stood up. Covering his ears, he wobbled to the cushioned log and sat. Finally, the noise ceased, and he put his hands down. Outside, Sam could hear the marching of countless feet in sync. He listened intently as he straightened his clothing. He realized he'd slept in his boots and shook his head.

He got up once again, and clomped toward the entrance to the tent. It would take some time to get used to the heavy boots. Sam stole a peek out the slit. He saw rows upon rows of white canvas tents just like his. 'Jesus, how big is this camp?' He thought in amazement. He waited there, watching and listening for many minutes. Eventually, he decided to try to find that Grettia woman, figuring she was his best bet for some answers. As soon as he stepped out, he was halted by a voice to his left.

"Sir, you've got orders to report to the command hub as soon as possible." The youthful voice declared.

Sam turned to see a boy who looked barely 13, saluting him with a sharp movement. He was clothed in a green uniform, and carrying a leather satchel that appeared full. Sam was unsure of how to respond, instead he just stared at the boy with wide eyes.

"Uh, Sir?" The boy cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh, uh, sorry." Sam said. "Can you point me to where it's at?"

The boy's eyes narrowed for a moment, then he seemed to realize something.

"Right. It's that way, sir." He said pointing toward Sam's right. "It's a giant red tent, you can't miss it."

"Thanks, I'll go right away." Sam replied and turned to go.

Before he got more than a step away the boy spoke again.

"Sir, is it true? Is it true that the Captain perished last eve?" Sam turned back.

"What Captain?"

"Captain Samson Erke." The boy looked up at him, and Sam saw sadness.

"Yeah... I'm sorry." Sam replied quietly and hurried away, unable to look at the boy any longer.

Sam walked in the direction he was pointed for over half an hour before he finally saw the immense crimson tent. It's gilded trim gleamed softly in the warm light of the morning. He traced the outside of the circular structure until he found the entrance. To either side of the pulled fabric, two men dressed in iridescent red armor stood at guard.

Sam shuffled awkwardly in their direction, unsure of how to approach. As he came near, both men looked toward him, their armor clinking as they turned. They straightened their backs and held their lances upright. Sam continued forward and both men turned their heads forward again. He took that as a sign that he was allowed to pass, and stepped past and into the grand canopy.

Sam blinked rapidly, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dimness. He heard the hushed whispers of many voices as he walked hesitantly to the center of the tent. Finally, he could make out an extravagant looking table that spanned the entire room. On the opposite side from him sat seven people. As he began to make out their faces, he realized all were women, and they were looking at him. Appraising him. Sam was suddenly feeling timid.

"Hmm, he does bear a striking resemblance." The woman directly to the center said, the rest made sounds of disgruntled agreement.

Sam's eyes scanned the assembly quickly, trying to make out their expressions. Most seemed as though they were appalled by something, though perhaps he was just misinterpreting their countenance. He realized he recognized one of the women, the one on the far left. It was Grettia, the supposed healer. She looked at him with barely retained eagerness, Sam wasn't sure how to feel about that. Grettia stood and circled to the front of the table.

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