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Kellin looked down and we laughed. Vic put his arm around him and kissed his cheek. I cuddled into Mike and he kissed my head. "Love you sweet heart," he whispered.

"Love you, too, daddy." I mumbled.

"If money didn't matter, what would you want to do," Mike whispered.

"Travel the world," I answered.

"Okay," he said. Suspicious.


I woke up to cursing. I got up and walked to Mike. "What are you doing at one am?"

"Go back to bed," he whispered. I shook my head. "Now Tony."

"What are you doing," I asked, rubbing my arms from being cold. He took his flannel off and put it on me. "It is one am. You have not slept. And you have work tomorrow Mr," I sassed.

"I'll be there in five minutes. I promise. It's for work," he said. He was lying.

I rolled my eyes and went back to bed. I laid down and fell back asleep. I woke up to another empty bed. I got up and started walking. Until I stubbed my toe on a fucking suitcase!

"Michael Christopher Fuentes!" Kellin laughed from across the hall and I heard Mike come up the stairs. He came in and shut the door. "Haven't I told you to stop leaving your shit around? I swear, you will be the death of me," I said.

"Open it," he replied. I did and saw two tickets along with some paper.

"Two tickets to Europe and hotel reservations for Ireland, London, Paris, and Germany. Mike-" I started.

"Don't. Come here," he whispered. I went over and hugged him.

"'M sorry daddy. I love you," I mumbled.

"Love you too," he said, "don't apologise. Keep packing. We'll be gone for a month."

I nodded and pulled away from him. I started packing and made sure we had enough clothes. I grabbed a small suitcase and started filling it with various sex toys. I checked the time. Two more hours till I had to go in.

"Oh you don't need to work anymore. Austin said you can come in when you want and he'll pay you for how ever much time you work. He's cool with it. He's actually over-employeed so," he trailed off.

"Can I go to the mall?"

"I'm coming with," he said.

"No. It's a surprise what I'm getting you. Limit," I asked.

"Thousand. Like always because you never go over," he whispered.

"I'll be back," I said suspiciously and went to Kellin and Vic's room. They were about to have sex but I'm gonna cock block. "Kells, wanna come shopping?"

"Always. Love you Vic!" He threw his shirt on and we left. I smirked. "So, what for," he asked.

"Mike. He's taking me all over Europe and I'm taking him all over my body," I replied as we drove there. He laughed and we talked. We went to Victoria Secret and I bought various lingerie sets. At Spencer's we got sex toys. Then I went to a jewellery store and got him a bracelet with our initials and date engraved on it. His had 'Daddy' and mind had 'Daddy's Baby Boy.'

He says I'm not his 'little boy' because im not little. But that's just my daddy being a little shit. Kellin and I picked up some Starbucks and I texted Mike telling him I was okay. He was always worried when I go to the mall without him. There is a lot of people and they could potentially hurt me. But I like that Mike is protective.

"So when are you gonna give those to him," Kellin asked as we sat.

"I don't know. It's almost our one month so probably then," I said.

"That's adorable," he said.

"He's always buying me stuff so why not return the favour."

"Yes. Vic never lets me buy him stuff. It makes me kinda mad but he says 'He's not worth it,'" Kellin said and rolled his eyes.

"He's cool but I prefer his brother," I replied. Kellin laughed. Like really hard. Then he snorted which made him laugh harder. I looked up and saw Matty staring at me. "We gotta go. Like now."

"Um. Okay," he said and grabbed his cup. I grabbed our bags and we walked to the car. "What's wrong?"

"Matty," I said. I got in and tested everything. "FUCKER CUT THE BRAKES!"

I called Mike and told him he needed to come pick us up and fast. I hung up, probably leaving him with tons of questions but I don't care right now. The mall wasn't too far. "Tony the bag," Kellin said.

"Shit," I mumbled and put it in Kellin's Hot Topic bag. "Thanks." He hugged me and Matty came out of the mall.

I heard Mike's car and he pulled up to where we were parked as Matty came closer. Mike got out and grabbed me. He kissed my head and looked at Matty over my shoulder. I held him and the devil was here. Kellin was already putting bags in the trunk.

"You," Mike said and lunged at him. Violence is never the answer, but I did beat up Vic and Matty fucking raped me so go right ahead Mike.

Matty laughed evily. "You look cute Tony. Wanna fuck again?" I turned and looked at him.

"Okay, one we didn't fuck. Two, you raped me. Your ass is going to jail. I'll make damn sure of that. I didn't want your dick up my ass. That's why I was screaming and crying. Leave me alone. Get out of my fucking life. You have no reason to be in it. I don't date gingers anymore anyways. They're souless. And now I know how they got that reputation," I ranted. Everyone was pretty shocked. I walked over to Matty and slapped him. "I've been waiting so long to do that and damn it feels good."

"Let's go. We have a flight to catch," Mike said.

We got in the car and Kellin burst out laughing. Mike grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I love you," I whispered

"I love you, too," he replied. He started driving home, the three of us talking.

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