Chapter 36 - It Was Never About the Songs

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A/N: So this was totally gonna be the wedding chapter, but then it started to get really long, so now it's a two-part wedding and you guys get an update tonight! Yaaay! :D

Aria's Point of View

The morning of my wedding, I was standing in front of the closet in Pete's guest room, the door wide open, and a pile of Fall Out Boy records staring me in the face. Hanging in the closet, were copies of all the magazines they've made the cover of, as well as a platinum copy of From Under the Cork Tree. I reached down and grabbed the record that was at the very top of the pile. The boys looked years younger on the cover of it, and the four of them were sitting in a line. Patrick was sitting between Joe and Andy, with a hat on that nearly covered his eyes, and his arms crossed over his knees. He had a slight smirk on his face, as if he knew the devious thing I was about to try to do.

I pulled the record from the closet, along with an old turntable, and set them up on the end table, beside the bed. I could hear Meagan and Pete downstairs, and although I tried my best to be quiet, I still wasn't used to having to sneak around. I pulled the record carefully from the cardboard sleeve, handling it awkwardly as I set it on the turntable. It had been years since I'd last listened to a record, but I still remembered how to set it up. Just as I carefully lifted the needle onto the black vinyl, a shout from the doorway made me jump, scratching the entire record. "Aria!" An unfamiliar voice said, and Andy Hurley rushed into the room. I stared at him in awe as he took the scratched record away from me, and I swallowed hard. "I thought you were saving this for the wedding?" He asked, looking at me accusingly, but also with a smile. "Patrick's looking forward to talking to you for the first time, you don't want to ruin it for him."

"Andy," I whispered, standing up in front of him. He had a soft voice, too soft for a man covered in tattoos and clad in a CrossFit t-shirt, but it fit him, somehow. I smirked at him and he smiled back, the record still in his hands. I looked down at it and frowned then, realizing that I had ruined it.

Andy looked down as well and assessed the damage briefly, shrugging. "Pete has a thousand copies of this anyways," he mumbled, tossing it haphazardly onto the bed behind me. "Now, my lady," he teased, offering his arm to me, "I have been designated as your driver for the morning, and it is my sole duty to get you to the church on time." His eyes sparkled as he smiled at me, and my heart fluttered at the thought that this was it, the day I married Patrick Stump. "Ready?" He asked.

I nodded, oddly enough, at a loss for words. I took Andy's arm and let him lead me down stairs, where I said a momentary goodbye to Meagan and Pete. They would be at the church soon after me, and they would have Patrick with them. Andy led me out to his car, and I was overjoyed at seeing who was sitting in the passenger seat, apparently Andy's co-driver for the morning. "Joe!" I gasped, sliding into the back seat as Andy closed the door behind me.

He turned and smiled at me, a soft laugh escaping his lips. "Good morning, soon-to-be Mrs. Stump," he greeted, making my heart swell all over again. His voice had a slight nasally tone to it, along with a lisp, but it suited the Joseph I knew. "How are your implants working?"

"Really well," I laughed, "I've heard the voices of three fourths of Fall Out Boy already."

"Just missing the important one?" He teased, glancing at me over the back of his seat again as Andy pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah, I caught her in the act," Andy laughed, "Trying to get a sneak peek from Take This to Your Grave."

"Aria," Joe laughed, "Trust us on this one, you want to wait for the real thing."

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