Chapter 11 - Between the Rights and the Wrongs

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That night, as we walked into my house, Aria kicked off her boots and looked up at me, grabbing me by the scarf and pulling me in for a kiss. I laughed lightly, but let her do it, catching her by the waist as she sighed against my lips. I tried to pull away from her, but she kept pulling me closer, one hand keeping a vice-like grip on my scarf, and the other sliding up around my neck and into my hair. I dropped my hands to my sides for a moment, knowing that I needed to stop her, but there was probably no foul in enjoying it for just a moment.

            She'd had a few drinks at the party. After dinner, my mom broke out a few bottles of wine, and my dad broke out the beer. I limited myself to one beer, knowing I had to drive us home, but I made the mistake of telling Aria to just have a good time. Turns out, one thing I didn't know about her yet was her high tolerance for alcohol. Unfortunately, everyone has their limits, and Aria found hers at the bottom of my mom's third bottle of wine. Nevertheless, the noises that she was making as she grazed her teeth over my bottom lip made me want to forget that she'd ever had a drink to begin with.

            I couldn't help myself as I pushed her against the nearest wall and attached my lips to the column of her neck. She sighed, arching herself against me, and I bit gently at the soft skin just beneath her jaw. Her hands were both in my hair now, tugging my head back so she could kiss my lips again. I could taste the alcohol on her breath, and I knew I couldn't let it go any further. I loosened my grip on her, gently resting my hands on her waist, and tried to push her back against the wall. Apparently, she took that completely the wrong way and decided to hook her leg around mine, hitching her knee up to my hips, and subsequently her dress to hers. It took every ounce of self-control in me not to react as she tangled her fingers back in my hair and kissed her way down my neck, slowly loosening my scarf.

            "Aria," I gasped, pushing her towards the wall again, "Baby, come on. We can't do this tonight." She ignored me, obviously, and kept kissing me, throwing my scarf down on the floor. Her fingers played with the buttons of my coat next. "Babe," I said, trying to lean back to catch her attention, but she only giggled and pressed closer to me. I sighed, knowing that signing to her would just be useless if I couldn't disconnect her from my neck. She pushed my jacket from my shoulders and I decided that helping her was my only choice at this point. I dropped my coat, gently moving to slide hers off of her, and smoothing her dress down at the same time as I pushed her leg off my hip. She giggled and kissed my lips again, attempting to slide her tongue past my lips, but I pulled away and shook my head. I kissed her again, gently this time, and she pulled away to look at me quizzically. Finally.

            I smiled at her sweetly and took a step back. "You're drunk, baby," I told her, returning my hands to her hips as she stared at me, dazedly.

            "I'm not drunk," she giggled, biting her lip as she leaned into me again.

            I gently caught her wrists and pushed her back again. "Yes, you are. I'm not taking advantage of you."

            "You're not," She signed, leaning in to press her lips to my neck again. "I want this."

            Although it went against every nerve ending in my body right now, I pushed her away again. "Not tonight. I want us both to be sober when that happens. I want it to be special."

            She looked at me with her bottom lip in a pout, which only made it harder to push her away. Finally, I sighed and just scooped her up into my arms, bridal-style. She squealed with surprise and I kissed her again as I carried her towards the staircase. By the time we reached the top, her lips were sucking a spot on my neck, and I was almost certain it was probably going to bruise. Ignoring her, I carried her quickly to my bedroom and laid her down, kissing her once more before I stood up. She sat up and tried to kiss me again, but I gently laid her back down. "Go to sleep," I told her, "I'll be on the couch in the living room if you need me." I straightened up and started to turn away, but her hand caught mine and she sat up looking a little bit sobered, but not sober enough that I wasn't still worried about her trying something.

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