"So now we're expecting you to follow us back!" Josh shouted. I rolled my eyes, they had more than 500 000 followers already! Josh even got two millions! I followed them anyways and Dan came out from the little music-room and sat with me. 

"Have you ever been to Manchester?" He asked me while searching through the kitchen for food.

I shook my head, smiling. Of course I hadn't been to Manchester. I had never been anywhere! All my life had been school, music, school, music, school, music. I didn't have a life! 

"I've been there a few times actually. I think you'll love it!" He said. I just nodded, I hoped so to.

After a quite long bus ride, the driver told us we were there. I ran off the bus and looked around. It was not much different than home, but I knew London upside down now and this was completely new. I loved it! The buses had stopped at the back of a very modern and huge hotel. I had to remember myself not to stand with my mouth open when I watched it with big eyes. 

"Issy, come on!" Someone shouted from outside the hotel in front of me. I looked down from the huge building and saw Harry smiling at me. 

"You can't stand in the middle of the street! Come here." He said and led me towards the hotel.

"But I need to grab my bags!" I said and tried to turn around and out of his grip. He chuckled at me.

"Don't be silly. There are people getting paid for dragging your bags up the stairs. They will be at your room when we're checked in." He promised me. It seemed weird to me, but I followed him in. Inside, Paul were checking in and receiving our room keys. We were free this night, but the lads had an interview tomorrow morning and then we had a concert tomorrow. 

"Harry, you'll be sharing rooms with Louis as usual." Paul said to him and gave him a card key with number 834 at it. "Liam and Niall will share room 836 next to yours and Zayn will have his own room, 835, across the hallway. Issy, we thought you wanted your own room, so you'll be living in room 829." He said and gave me my key. I had my own room! Oh god, this was great! 

"Thank you." I said and tried finding my way to the elevators. Many others from the crew stood there already, waiting for the elevator. The hotel was huge and the entire One Direction-crew would all be living at the 8th floor. 

"Oh no, miss. You're coming with me." I heard Louis voice beside me as he walked past me and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me away from outside the elevator and dragged me towards the stairs instead. 

"Lou! What are you doing?" I exclaimed as he, just as I thought, opened the door towards the stairs. 

"Go on guys, Issy and I will just be a little healthy and take the stairs." He said and waved to Niall and Harry who looked confused at us.

When the door was closed he released my wrist and started climbing the stairs.

"What's this for? I can't take the stairs to the eight floor! I'm tired already." I complained but followed him up. He stayed outside the door to the fourth floor, waiting for me to breathlessly catch up with him. 

"You promised me to tell me what's wrong with Zayn, and I figured you would try to avoid that question. Tell me now, there's no one listening." He said and sat down at a step. I sat down beside him.

"There's nothing wrong with Zayn!" I told him, not sounding that convincing that I thought I would. Louis raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"So what did you mean with 'not him' in the bus? I don't really believe you said it because you wanted to stay with me in that bed forever, even though it would be kind of convincing." He said and smiled cheekily at me. I sighed. Whatever, I trusted Louis and I guessed it might as well be good to tell him from the start.

"Okay, but I'm telling you this because I trust you, and I don't trust many people. So shush!" I told him. He raised his little finger towards me and I hooked my finger with his.

"Look, you know I mentioned my ex a few weeks ago. And when we broke up I... It wasn't easy, not in any way. It broke my heart and my self-confidence and I was totally broken for many months, not only because of the break up but also because some things he did to me." I swallowed hard before I kept going. Was this the hard or the easy part to tell him? I wasn't quite sure. 

"And lately... I felt myself looking at Zayn in a kind of... different perspective then I used to, and different than I saw the rest of you." I said. This was definitely the hard part. To admit not only for myself, but to someone else, that I actually liked Zayn.

"In simple words, you have a crush on Zayn?" Louis said. He made it sound so easy! It can't possibly be that easy. Or could it? No.

"Well... yes." I whispered. Louis looked confused.

"I don't see the problem then. That's great!" He said and smiled.

"No it's not! I don't want to like him in that way. I will hurt him, or he will hurt me. We can't be together and I don't want to lose him as a friend." I said firmly. He thought about it for a few seconds before answering.

"Issy, look. I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh now and like I don't really care about your feelings. I understand you have been hurt before, but that's not a reason to act like this! Sure, you could hurt Zayn and he could hurt you, but it's the same with everybody. What if everybody in the world were thinking like that? Zayn is not like your ex, he would never do something like that. I can still not see a big problem here. You should give it a try!" Louis said. I wanted to get mad at him. How could he say that to me? Why didn't he understand? 

Maybe you're the one who doesn't understand. Something or someone said in my head. Great, now I was hearing voices as well. It was a big problem here! I couldn't be with Zayn, because... Just because. I didn't want to fall for him. But I figured maybe that wasn't reason enough. Maybe I was acting stupid for no reason. And I did miss my friend. I sighed and bit my lip as I glanced at Louis. 

"Maybe I'm acting a bit childish." I admitted. "But I still can't be with him! I mean, I can't tell him I like him because that would be super awkward and he doesn't like me back, so it would be horrible and our friendship would be ruined. He won't even want to talk to me, since I have been acting like a bitch the last days and he pretends as if he can't see me. And if he actually happened to like me back, that wouldn't work out. I'm a nerd that never has done anything great in life and he is a really famous absolutely perfect human being and it would never work out." I realised I started talking way too fast and rambling without making any sense.

Louis looked at me with an amused expression and nodded slightly. 

"What?" I asked.

"You should talk to him." He said simply.

"I can't. I have avoided him the last week because I thought I would kind of un-fall for him and now he's pissed off and pretends as if I doesn't exist anymore." I sighed and leaned against the cold wall. Why did I have to make everything so complicated? Why couldn't I do anything the right way, without messing things up? Louis sighed and started standing up.

"Promise me you'll talk to him? Or at least stop avoiding him." He said and reached out his hand to help me up. I hesitated for the half of a second, but grabbed his hand.



A/N: Hey, a bit TFIOS at the end! I can't be the only one that noticed! 

As I said, this was one chapter divided into two parts. That's why I updated two smaller parts at the same time!

I have really much to do in school and everything's going back to normal with trainings and stuff. And at the same time I'm trying to start writing another fanfic. You'll hear more about that later! That's why I'm not able to update as often as before.

Thanks to everybody reading! I reached 200 reads today, and that's a huge deal for me!

PS. I know they only had one first concert in London in TMH-tour, but I'm changing the cities to fit it better in the fanfic. And why doesn't Sandy have that verified mark on twitter? I mean, Dan and Josh have it! Jamie Campbell Bower doesn't have it either, and that makes me sad. I love him!

And I don't think Isabelle's and Chelsea's twitters is existing... At least I hope not.

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