About 20 minutes later, we had all followed the girls on twitter and taken as many pictures as they wanted, talked for a bit and then they were on their way. Honestly, I loved the talking and taking pictures part. I'll never reject somebody a picture because i of all people know how it is to be rejected and i don't want them to feel that way. The twitter thing was a bit annoying and I know the other boys felt the same way because we exchanged the same looks on our faces, but kept our thoughts to ourselves. After all we do owe the fans so I guess it's only fair to them if we do. It doesn't make a difference to me either way but it just makes me feel like I'm being used. As if I make them more popular or something, and that's why they want me to follow them.

"Well, they were nice" Zayn says and puts his phone away. "Yeah, they were" Liam replies. Obviously Liam would agree, all the girls love him because he's so kind and nice and everything. I smile and walk into the house. Liam is too much sometimes, the funniest thing is he doesn't even realize it.

"Hey" I walk over to Jodie and put my arms around her, she just pushes me away. "Hey. What gives?"

"Ummm, you're covered in dirt and mud. Come back when you're clean" She says and puts her hands up in surrender, smiling a bit. Niall chuckles. I go to reach out but she smacks my hand away "Go shower!" I laugh and walk into the washroom, climbing into the shower.

"Boys boys boys, what do we have here. Ooh food" Ashton says as he walks in the kitchen. For some reason, the boys from 5sos are here at my house. I don't know who invited them but I don't really mind, they're cool. "Hey mates, how's it goin?" Niall says, greeting the boys. When I look over at Jodie her mouth hangs open looking at them, her eyes wide. "You okay?" I ask her and sit down at the bar beside her.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe 5sos is standing in my kitchen"

"This is my kitchen not yours"

"I pretty much live here too so shut up" I chuckle and put my head on her shoulder, yawning "Long day?" She asks me and i nod
"maybe you should go to bed then" She wraps her arm around my shoulder and holds me close. Normally it'd be the other way around but I'm honestly tired from today. I did alot, more than i have the other days of the break. I have to go back on tour in a few days though so I need to make the most of my time here at home with Jodie.

"Boys, this is my girlfriend Jodie" I squeeze her hand while introducing her to the guys, and she blushes when I look at her. I love how she does that when I compliment her, it makes me feel like I'm not a loser after all. "Nice to meet you, I'm Luke" He gives her a quick hug before getting pulled off by Micheal. "I'm Micheal, it's very nice to meet you" Him and Luke are always 1-upping each other. Calum introduces himself and I wait for Ashton to also, but he isn't here. "Where's Ashton?" I ask Louis and he looks around the room, pointing to the stove where him and Niall are cookin something up. Jodie goes over to him, introducing herself. Hopefully she doesn't like them, well as more than friends. 10's a party that's for sure. Hopefully my mum's out with one of the boys' mums, I don't know why but for some reason they're all staying round here for the break. I don't mind though, they're like my brothers.

"Alright, Niall can you shut up?" Louis screams to Niall, who's playing his electric guitar with Luke and Micheal. "I'm trying to have a conversation here!" Louis often says mean things but we all know that he doesn't mean to be rude, so we just take it lightly "No why don't you shut up, I'm trying to play guitar here" Niall fires back, not even turning to face him" I laugh a bit and cover my mouth, things are about to get real. Louis stands up and grabs Niall's guitar, tossing it on the couch "OH MY GOSH DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU COULD'VE JUST DONE" Niall yells out, rushing over to the couch to make sure it hasn't broken. "Well don't play when I'm trying to have a conversation then"
Niall raises his eyebrows and shoves his shoulder "You wanna go?" Louis smirks "Let's go" For a second there I think they're actually about to fight, but then Louis jumps on Niall's back and puts him in a headlock, messing up his hair. "NOO that took me foreeeverrrr to do" He carries out the 'forever', and drops on the couch with Louis still ontop of him. I roll my eyes smiling, and look across the room to see Ashton talking with Jodie at the table, they seem to be quite interested in eachother since it's been probably an hour. I sigh and walk into the kitchen grabbing a drink, then sitting down on a stool and going on twitter.

@Harry_Styles It's a party here

I post a picture along with it, Niall and Louis wrestling on the couch, Luke and Micheal playing all of Niall's guitars, Calum Liam and Zayn playing monopoly. I smile a bit, there won't be that long before they start arguing. Well they're not on teams so maybe not..but Zayn and Liam are always hilarious during games. Ashton and Jodie are at the table and in the picture they're both laughing at something one of them said.

@onedirectionlover23 @Harry_Styles I love you

@stylesgirl94 @Harry_Styles Jodie has the cutest laugh omg.

I smile a little at the responses just piling in in the matter of seconds and i click on this one to reply to it before it gets lost in the masses of followers and replies.

@Harry_Styles @stylesgirl94 Yup ;) Isn't she lovely? XDD

I laugh to myself at my stupid joke. It's not really even a joke..whatever. I am funny.

@stylesgirl94 @Harry_Styles OMG OMG OMG YOU REPLIED I LOVE YOU SO MUCH

I laugh again and decide to reply once more

@Harry_Styles @stylesgirl94 I love you too, thank you so much for your support :)) xx


I smile at her reply and put my phone down, taking a sip of my drink. These fans are amazing.

"Harryyyy" Jodie wraps her arms around my shoulders and leans her head against me "Jodieeee" I mimic her tone and she scoffs "can you carry me upstairs" She lets go and puts her arms out, like little kids do when they don't want to walk "What are you? 5?" She raises her eyebrows and pouts, sticking her bottom lip out. "Pleeeease" I sigh and grab her legs throwing her over my shoulder. I know she meant for me to carry her the other way but I like being difficult with her. It's quite amusing. "Harry! Fine I'll just walk then" I laugh and my grip on her legs gets tighter, so she can't get down. "Put me down!!"

"No you said you wanted me to carry you so I'm carrying you up"

"Ugh, your so annoying" I laugh and smack her butt before putting her on the bed. She pushes my arms away and crosses them over her chest "Remind me why I'm dating you again"

"Because you love me, and because I love you" She smiles and looks at me, pulling me onto the bed "Stay heere with me"

"No, I'm not tired"

"Ugh you just ruined the moment, why does that always happen?" I laugh a bit and lie down on the bed beside her "I was kidding, of course I'll stay here with you" Her smile returns and she nuzzles her head into my neck, wrapping her arms around me "Good. I love you"

"I love you too, forever and ever" She giggles a bit and I smile, running my hand through her soft hair. How did I get so lucky to have all of this? People actually like me now, and I have Jodie. I could've never in a million years assumed this would happen.

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