Grandma Paris

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1 Month of Pregnancy 

Jason's POV

At the house or castle

" OH MY GOD SO I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU BETTER AND NOW OCEANS PREGNANT, WHY THE HELL COULD YOU HAVE WAITED UNTIL YOU BOTH WERE MARRIED" well that was my lovely mother Paris shouting at me while my boyfriend ocean was asleep needing his rest.

"Mum, Calm down ok everything's going to be okay" I said trying to calm my mother down before she wakes ocean up from his well-needed nap "CALM DOWN OH I'LL SHOW YOU CALM" but before my mother could do anything to me I saw a yawning ocean coming downstairs rubbing his eyes and belly 'aww' wait did I just aww at him I'm supposed to be tough and stronger than that but I guess ocean's cuteness beats me at that.

"Why all the yelling this morning," he said cutely "aww hon it's actually the afternoon and the shouting you can thank my mother for that".

"Oh I'm sorry ocean but I just had to get my frustration out on someone and when Jason told me you were pregnant with triplets I kind of just went off I'm sorry hon"

"it's ok can you please just be a tiny bit quieter because I feel like my head is about to explode" 

Ocean said in a hushed voice " oh dear let us go get you some medicine for that and don't worry its the special kind for a pregnant person so you can take as much as you like and it won't affect the baby in any way". my mother said all this while dragging ocean out of the room.

I sighed because now I know since I found my mate and he's already pregnant I have to become king because before I had a reason saying ' I want more time with my mate we just met' and ' what if he gets lonely what did you do when you met mum' but now since he's pregnant ill be expected to rule the kingdom with my air's on the way and 3 of them oh this is going to be fun.......


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