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It's my birthday in three days I'm hella excited :)
Also Thankyou so much for 300 reads xx
CONFESSION: I may have cried writing this when I did <3

Dan's POV.

This clue was confusing. What did he mean by the moon and the stars?
And then it hit me.
The fountain in Leister Square.

I don't think I've ever run anywhere before in my life, but I did today.
A slideshow of memories flashed through my mind as I ran.

Phil had taken me to Leister square and we were sitting at the fountain. It was dark and the light of the street lamps bounced off every surface, illuminating the area.
"I-I've been meaning to tell you something Dan." He said quietly.
"I'm in love with you.."
I felt a weight lift off my shoulder as I pulled the pale boy into a hug and whispered into his shoulder:
"I'm your's."

Chris was sitting on the fountain this time. I raised my eyebrows. "Phil?"
"Yep." was his reply.
I took the note from his outstretched hand and read it aloud.

First kisses can never be forgotten.
-Philly xx

I knew exactly where he wanted me to go.

Sitting on the ferry, I was incredibly eager to see what the next clue was, and what awaited me at the end.
I had no idea what Phil had done, and it made me wonder how long he'd been preparing this.
The ferry slammed to a halt and I made my way through the crowd to the port.
That's when I saw them.

All my friends were in a circle blocking my view from whatever it was.
Zoe saw me, and they all moved to the side, so I could see.
Phil was standing under the Manchester Eye, with a bunch of flowers in his hand. He handed them to Joe as I walked up to him.
He looked magnificent, wearing a jet black tuxedo and a little bow tie from the collection in his room.
Louise got her phone out and started recording.
"Phil, what's going on? What is all this?" I gestured around me.
"This," Phil said,  "It's for you Danny. Ever since I met you, I knew we were perfect for each other. You made me feel whole. and I knew that if I lost you. I was never going to get over you no matter what. Yes, we fight and yes, I do eat your cereal at midnight, but I love you Dan, and nothing can bring me to ever stop loving you."
"Phil- I," I stuttered.
"I just wanted to do something special for you." He smiled.
"For us."
He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small black box. I felt my heart beat faster and my palms started to sweat. Was that what I thought it was?
"I love you Dan. I'm never going to stop loving you, and if it's okay with you I'd like to keep eating your cereal for the rest of my life."
"Phil-" tears were rolling down my cheeks.
He got down on one knee.
"Daniel James Howell, will you marry me?"
I nodded "Oh my god Phil, Yes." He slid the gold ring onto my finger. I grabbed his hand, pulled him off his knees and hugged him as close to me as I could. Everyone around us was applauding. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tyler crying and Troye cradling him, whispering in his ear.
I wrapped my arms around Phil's neck and drew him in for a soft kiss. Everyone around us erupted once again. I could taste the salt from both of our tears. I pulled away and whispered in his ear:
"I love you Philly."
"I love you too Danny."

Oops again
Hehe bye

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