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Okay I can't
I'm going to TØP for my birthday and I'm so excited
Also we got kittens :))
They're called Cookie and Sam
Above is my edit because I'm too lazy to find a photo :')
Enjoy.           ( ^ω^ )

I accepted as soon as possible, to find an even worse situation on the screen.
The static had cleared, so I could see properly.
Phil's head was facing upwards, knocked unconscious again with cuts and bruises all over him.
My breath hitched as I was forced to look over his pale skin.
The killer had his blade with him at all times as his distorted voice spoke once again:
"Do you have the money?"
I nodded, unable to say a word.
"Where is it?"
"Here." My eyes still on Phil.
"Change of plans. Bring it to the high school gym at 11:30pm. And if you even try calling the police, I'll slit pretty-boy's throat here." He pointed the knife at Phil, and slapped him across the cheek.
"That's enough." I barked, "You have to promise to me not to hurt him again before tonight otherwise you don't get your money."
He smiled. "Deal."
The kidnapper's slap had woken Phil up, and I realised he had no gag around his mouth this time. I smiled warmly to him.
"It's alright Philly, we'll get you out of there. I promise."
"Dan.." He coughed. "I-I love you."
My breath caught when he said those three words, a tear trailing down my face as I responded with:
"I love you too."

Call ended.

Instinctively, I looked up at the clock. It read 9:47pm.
I had less than three hours.


Sitting on the floor in Phil's room, I had a look around and realised that I had never had a proper look at his room.
He had posters on his wall, and the chest of drawers that we built together.
"Hah. Phil's got wood!"
I smiled at the memory.
On top of these drawers he had a bunch of toys etc.
His bedside cabinet held his lamp, contact lens pot and a few pens.
I went over to examine Phil's contacts when I saw a piece of paper folded in half underneath all the pens. I knew it would be bad of me to snoop, but I couldn't help.
As I unfolded it, my eyes were drawn to the top of the page that read:
Dearest Dan.

I continued to read, intrigued.

Look I'm horrible at letters so don't judge me okay thanks

So ever since I first started talking to you in 2009, I've been madly in love with you. Every text message from you made me shiver, and I would smile at the thought of one day meeting you.
And here we are. What a rush huh?
I don't expect this letter to reach you, because I'll probably hide it or screw it up and throw it at the wall like countless others I've written. I'm just gonna get straight to the point.
I love you, and I can't stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, my mind wonders back to thoughts of you. Your smile, your hazel eyes, your adorable hobbit hair and your rosy cheeks.
I can't help falling in love with you Dan and I just want to tell you but you don't understand how hard it is, knowing I'll probably be rejected, and It will make it so damn awkward between us.
I can't lose what we have Dan.
I can't imagine a moment when you're not by my side and when I can't see that beautiful smile, but when that day comes, if it ever does, it'll be the most miserable day of my life.
I love you so fucking much it aches.
Sorry Love,
A small droplet fell onto the page, sliding down the words "I love you."
I whispered:
"I love you too Phil."

Wow wattpad needs to chill
It's malfunctioning big time.. Someone should really fix that :))
I'm pretty happy with this chapter
It's not that long but it'll do
Big stuff is coming in the next chapter :))))))

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