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So apparently I'm updating once every three days, but don't get mad if I don't okay I'm a busy person :))
Happy Valentine's Day tho I forgot lel
I'm not updating every day because I don't get many reads so not many people really demand chapters but it's all good I'm cool with that
Plus I hate publicity
Okay cool

I was suprised to see that I had no midday text from Phil, so I tapped the keys lightly, sending:
Where are you Philly?

He was probably fine. But I couldn't stop my mind from creating drastic situations in which Phil was the victim.
It was late, and he was always home by now.
I decided to busy myself with tumblr.
Settling into my sofa crease, I grabbed my laptop and started scrolling through the sea of memes and irony.

A few hours later, as I was cooking dinner, I had started to get a little worried of Phil's whereabouts.
Until I got a FaceTime call from him. Sometimes he would FaceTime on his way home so he could "See my face."
When would he stop being so adorable?
I accepted the call, and did a quick fringe check, before crying out at what the screen greeted me with.

Phil was tied to a chair, his ankles and hands were constricted as he sat there, head lolled to one side, clearly unconscious.
Anger boiled up inside me and I gritted my teeth.
"What the fuck is going on?"
Phil's eyes snapped open when I spat, and he looked around the room, panic lurking in the back of his eyes.
Those same blue eyes then rested on mine through the grainy camera.
"Phil," I breathed.
He tried to scream my name, but the gag around his mouth restricted it to a muffled yell.
I heard footsteps when the screen went black and I heard Phil's howl of pain.
The man took his hand off the camera and I watched through the static as blood poured out of Phil's hand. It had a shiny dagger pierced through it, pinning it to the wooden chair.
"What do you want?" I cried as a tear slipped down my cheek. The static continued as a monotone voice boomed:

"Give us 2 million pounds by midnight on Friday, and we'll free Phil.

If you don't, we'll free... well, most of him.

Time's ticking Danny."

The static grew louder and the awful sound itched the back of my mind.
Until finally,

'Call ended."

Forgot to mention I changed the cover :))
Shoutout to frand WorldLoveHate23 for making the cover ily <3
It gets worse, and worse, and worse.
Sorry for any feels
okay cool bye

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