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What do you think of the story so far?
I also have an announcement

I started a YouTube channel

Yeah I don't know either, but if you wanna subscribe, the link is at the end.
Thankyouuuu ily <3

I was scared.
I was terrified.
What would happen if he took both of us hostage? What happens if he kills Phil in front of me? What happens if I die? Who will be there for him?
I tried to reassure myself, but every time I did, my mind would make up another crazy scenario, making it extremely hard not to make the cabbie swerve off the road. I wanted to cry for hours.
The thought of seeing Phil again gave me the strength I needed.
I came to a halt in front of my old high school, and memories came flooding in.
I threw some money at the cab driver, who looked at me for the first time and gasped.
"Y-you're Dan Howell!" She yelled.
"Yes. And I need to go. Sorry."
I went to turn around, when I heard a small voice ask:
"Can I have an autograph? Please?"
Phil's life was in my hands, but if he saw me blatantly reject a fan, he would have slapped me, so...
I swerved around, snatched the pen out of her hand and signed the receipt.
"There you are. Now I really need to get going."
"Of course. One question though?"
I sighed. "Alright."
"Where's Phil?"
My throat went dry. Where was Phil?
How did I know this psychopath wasn't trolling me? How did I know He wasn't hiding my lion in a shipping container on it's way to Madagascar or an abandoned warehouse in California?
My Philly could be dead for all I know.
"Oh he's just at home editing a video." I lied through my teeth, my face warming as I shuffled on my feet.
I murmured a quick goodbye and headed for the school's back entrance, my head down low and my hands in deep in my jumper pockets.
After my vision cleared, I checked the time on my clock.


I sat down on a bench, sending more memories flying into my working mind.
I remember texting Phil, while sitting on this very bench.

To Danny: You're amazing Dan Howell <3

To Philly: You're not so bad yourself Phil Lester <3

I pulled myself off the bench and stalked off to the main entrance. On my way there, however, I noticed a padlock on the doors that was never there before.
He had locked all the doors. I had to find another way in.
Come on Dan, think, think!
What room would I never Be in? I thought to myself.
The science rooms.

I jogged up to the back entrance, and tested the rusted doorknob.
I looked around for anything that could help me break in, when I noticed that a window above the door was slightly ajar.
I grabbed a bin and dragged it over, before stepping on it and leaning towards the window.
As I pulled myself up, I felt a sharp pain on my stomach, and winced at the impact when I dropped down onto the hard hallway floor.
I decided to just keep going, because if I looked at the damage, it would hurt more. I couldn't let anything slow me down.
I checked my watch.


I headed down the corridors, picturing my way around the school from fond memories. I pushed open the doors of the hall.


I stumbled into the giant hall. Directly in front of me was an empty chair.
I caustically walked up to it, before taking a seat, which was obviously implied.
Shortly after, all the lights powered down, leaving me in pitch black.
My heart started pumping faster with every passing second and my hands were numb, gripping the chair as my only life support.
I heard a loud, continuous screech at the end of the room, and looked over to see a faint silhouette dragging one of the plastic chairs toward me.
Time ticked slower than ever, as the unknown figure neared. Until he stopped in front of me and took a seat. The lights flicked back on to reveal a man with a black mask on, the only part of his face showing being his eyes, which were a sea green colour.
I almost choked on my own words as they came out.

I think I might add another chapter tonight because angst
Cool okay bye
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMWfofMIA2IN8iOlIECNgNw

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