Chapter 3

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"Wait, back up. You can see his wings?!" Dean asks, wide eyed.

"Uhh, well, yeah. I can see pretty much everything. It's something I've just always been able to do." I reply. "Demons, changelings, ghouls, vampires, werewolves, you name it. I've never seen an angel before, though. That's why I followed you. Sorry about that, by the way."

"How?" Sam asks.

"Hell if I know. Like I said, it's just something that I was born with. It's what makes me such a great hunter." I say, this time with a small smirk on my face.

"Yeah, right." Dean says. "What do you think, Cas?"

The angel, having been staring at me curiously up til now, replies, "She's telling the truth. And she's human, as far as I can tell."

The three of them look between eachother as if having a silent conversation with their eyes.

"So either you shoot me, or we head back to the motel to keep talking. I'd rather not stay in this place longer than necessary." I grimace as the strong smell of sulfer and death starts to set in.

"Fine, but you're riding with us." Dean finally says, making me scoff.

"Yeah, right. Have you seen my car? There is no way I'm leaving my baby here, even for a night."

For some reason, this makes Sam chuckle and look at Dean, who rolls his eyes.

"Alright, fine. But one of us is riding with you." He says.

Before I can reply, the angel, Castiel, volunteers to ride with me. And yeah, I can live with that.

* ~ * ~ *

Back at the motel, the two hunters and their angel put themselves in between me and all possible exits. I roll my eyes as they hand me a flask of holy water.

"I'm not a demon." I tell them after I finish drinking from the flask. They then hand me a silver knife.

"Not a shapeshifter, either." I say, making a cut in my arm. "I'm completely human, as far as I know."

After I pass both tests, the Winchesters relax a little, but not completely.

"So you can just see supernatural creatures?" Dean asks disbelievingly.

"Uhh, yeah, that's what I told you." I tell him.

"I'm not buying it." He says.

"Good for you, but that doesn't change the fact that it's the truth. Even your angel friend said so. Now, if you aren't shooting me, I'd like to go back to my room to get some sleep." I tell them.

"So, what? You follow us all the way from Kentucky and now you're just gonna leave without even having proper conversation with us?" Sam asks.

"Well I thought this meeting would go better, but instead, you guys go off accusing me of not being human. I mean, you didn't even thank me for saving your lives. How rude." I say with a sarcastic smile.

Before I get the chance to walk out the door, they seem to notice something about me.

"You have purple eyes." Dean states.

"Yeah, I guess it's part of the whole 'being able to see' thing. It took you awhile to notice. Most people mention it within seconds of meeting me." I tell them, shrugging my shoulders. "For hunters, you aren't very observant, are you?"

From the corner of my eye, I see the angel tense up and his eyes widen. Suddenly, with a flap of his wings, he's gone.

The boys give each other questioning looks before turning back to me.

"Sweet dreams, guys." I say, walking out the door and to my waiting bed.

As soon as I get back to my hotel room, I collapse on to the bed. I don't even bother taking my shoes off before falling asleep.

* ~ * ~ *

Suddenly I'm in a different room, not one i recognize. But it's like I'm not actually there. I'm stuck and I can't move. I'm invisible to the other people in the room. That's when I realize who the other people in the room are. I see my dad, and with him is a woman. A women I've never seen or met before, but somehow, I seem to know exactly who she is.

The woman is my mother.

Something is off about her, but in my dream state, I can't comprehend what it is. As I see the happy couple kiss, so totally and completely in love with each other, I find myself wondering not for the first time what happened to her. My dad used to talk about her all the time, but he would never tell me how she died.

Time skips and I see my parents setting up a nursery. My nursery. I see my mom with a rounded belly, probably around seven months pregnant. With me.

Time skips once again and I see my mom in a rocking chair, holding baby me in her arms. My dad is standing over us, smiling softly. I see my mom's eyes get wide with fear as she hands me over to my dad. Out of nowhere, three people appear in the room, two men and a woman. There is something off about these people, too, but I still can't tell what it is.

Within seconds, the three intruders and my mother are holding identical silver blades in a full on battle. My mom dodged the first few attacks and stabs her blade through the intruder's stomach. A whote glow comes from his eyes and mouth and his body slumps to the floor. The same happens when my mom takes out the second one.

As my mom is pulling the blade from the second body, the third intruder stabs her from behind. The same white glow emits from her eyes and mouth. My father screams as her body falls to the floor. He picks up her fallen blade and finishes off my mother's killer, before falling to his knees and crying out in anguish.

* ~ * ~ *

My body jerks into a sitting position as I wake up. I can feel myself sweating. From the corner of my eye, I see a figure standing in my room, staring at me. I quickly grab my knife and stand up, facing the person.

When I see Castiel, I drop my knife and sit back down on my bed. I know why he's here. Now that I'm awake, I finally realize what was so different about my mom and the other three people. I know what they are, were. What she was.

My mother was an angel.

The Ability To See (A Supernatural Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن