Chapter 1

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My machete cuts through the neck of the final standing vamp. Covered in blood -some mine, but most theirs- I walk towards the "hostage" that the vampires had tied to a chair. The girl is crying, seemingly scared for her life. If I didn't know better, I'd say she's just an innocent girl that had been kidnapped by vamps. But the thing is, I do know better.

"It's okay. They can't hurt you anymore." I say as I start to untie her, playing along with what I'm sure she thought was the perfect act.

"Thank you." She says through tears. I smirk, having been waiting for her to say that. I take my hands away from the ropes and pick my machete up off the floor.

"Oh honey. Don't thank me just yet." I say as I bring my machete up to her throat.

"W-what are you d-doing? I thought you were h-helping me." She sobs. I scoff.

"Please, sweetie. Cut the act. I know exactly what you are. You're just like them, a filthy little bloodsucker." I reply, disgust lacing my voice. She growls and jerks forward, pulling on the ropes that I had been tightening, rather than untying.

"How did you know?" She asks. I laugh.

"I don't tell many people this, but I guess it doesn't matter. You'll be dead soon, anyway. I can see what you are. I can see your fangs, even when they aren't out. Call it a gift. Wait, actually, don't call it anything." With that, I pulled my arm back and swung it forward again.

The girl's head rolled a few feet away, but by then I was already walking back to my car. When I get to my '68 Ford Mustang, I open the trunk and toss my machete in, walking around to the driver's side door. I get in my car and start her up.

"Come on, girl. Time to go and get some rest." I pull out of the parking lot of the abandoned warehouse and drive toward a small house my dad bought before he died. He bought a lot of safe houses like this one around the continental U.S. . The house itself is nothing special, average neighborhood and everything. What is special is what's inside. The house is warded against everything I know about, not to mention the assortment of guns, blades, complete with salt and holy water.

I make it to the house after about twenty minutes of driving, most of the neighbor's lights out by now. After all, it is 3:00 o'clock in the morning. As soon as I get in, I walk straight to the bathroom. After a hot shower, and getting all the blood off of me, I am absolutely exhausted. I put some clothes on -jeans and all, in case I need to get away quick- and fall face first on the bed. I'm out like a light before I even pull the blankets over me.

* ~ * ~ *

The wonderful oblivion that is sleep didn't seem to last long. I'm forced awake by someone knocking at my door. I groan and look towards the dresser. On it, the digital clock says 10:00 AM. Hearing another knock, I reluctantly get up out of bed and trudge in the direction of the door. As I'm approaching the front door, I hear another knock. Now thoroughly annoyed, I swing the door open and give my best bitchface.

"What in the hell do you want?" Comes out of my mouth before I can stop it, and I immediately regret it.

Standing at my door are what I assume are two FBI agents. And really hot ones at that. My suspicions are confirmed when they both pull out badges, although they put them away before I can get a good look.

"Sorry about that, I'm just not used to getting up this early." I say sheepishly. "What can I do for you guys?"

I had been hoping to take care of the vamp nest before the disappearances caught the attention of anyone important. Obviously, I was a little late.

"My name is agent Ford, this is my partner agent Hamill. We'd like to ask you a few questions regarding the disappearance of your neighbor, Katlyn Wilson."

The first thought in my head is that the names are actors from Star Wars, but I quickly dismiss it.

"Yeah, sure. Come in, but I don't think I'll be of much help. I just got back into town a few days ago." That was true. My phone notifies me when something happens around one of the safe houses, and Katlyn being my neighbor caught my attention. She's the reason I came here in the first place.

"That's okay, just answer what you can." The taller one says. He's probably about 6'4, while the other is probably 6'1.

"Do you guys think you can find Katie?" I ask, although I knew they wouldn't find her alive. I had found her body in the warehouse with the vamps.

"We're gonna try. Have you noticed anything weird lately?" The shorter one asked, his green eyes boring into mine.

"You mean besides all the disappearances? Not really. Like I said, I just got back into town a few days ago." I told them.

After asking a few more questions, they finally left. Something about them tells me that they aren't FBI. They're probably hunters, so it's best for me to get outta town before they find the bodies. I don't want them knowing about me, about what I can do.

* ~ * ~ *

Finally finished packing my things, I head out to my car and pull out of the driveway. I turn onto one of the main roads and stop at a red light, just as something from the side of the road catches my eye. I turn my head to get a better look and my jaw drops.

In front of the motel are the two hunters from earlier, but that's not what surprised me. No, it's the man that's with them, but he isn't just a man. I knew they existed, but I never thought I'd see one. I can tell what he is by the white-blue glow around him, and most of all by the magnificent black wings protruding from his back.

He's an angel.

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