Chapter 4

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"So... I guess I'm part angel, huh?" I say, my voice wavering.

"The correct term is Nephilim." He tells me, not moving from where he appeared. "But yes."

"Why... why did you show that to me?" I question, wiping the tears from my eyes.

He tilted his head curiously. "I figured you might want to know the truth. About you and your mother."

"Thank you, but what exactly does being a -what did you call it, a Nephilim?" At his nod, I continue. "What does that mean?"

"Nephilim can be very dangerous creatures, if they so choose to be. They are very powerful creatures, even more so than angels, which is probably the reason the angels killed your mother. They were trying to get to you, to kill you before you realized your true potential."

"But that's insane! I'm not even dangerous, I've never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it!" I protest.

"I don't believe that matters. They fear you because you are more powerful, and they will still be after you. They do not believe it in their benefit to allow you to continue to live." He informs me.

"Than why haven't they found me yet?" I ask him.

"You have angel warding marked in you. I would assume that your mother placed it on you as an infant, to protect you." He told me. "Despite that, you should still be careful."

"How exactly do I be careful about angels?! God's soldiers? All powerful beings?" I ask in disbelief.

"I suggest going to Sam and Dean Winchester and asking them for help . They can protect you." And with that, he's gone.

* ~ * ~ *

I decide to take his advice. After all, he is an angel of the Lord, he probably knows best. Look at me, huh? Two days ago I was doing my best to avoid any and all hunters and now suddenly I'm about to tell two of the best that I'm part angel.

Since I didn't change out of my clothes before I went to sleep, I decide to just put my hair in a messy bun and head on over to their hotel room.

Once I get there, it takes me a few minutes to work up the courage to tentatively knock on their door. Sam opens it with a confused look on his face.

"What are you doing here? You just left a few hours ago." He asks.

"I, uhh, I have something I need to talk you guys about." I say nervously.

"Okay, well come on in, I guess." He opens the door wider to let me in.

In the room, I now have both sets of eyes on me.

"Okay, before I tell you, you have to promise you won't freak out." With that, they cast worried glances at each other. "In fact, I'm only telling you because your angel friend, Castiel, told me that I should. I just found all this out before I came over here."

After a few seconds of them looking at each other, they turn back to me.

"Okay, fine. We won't freak out. What is it?" Dean asks.

"My mom died when I was a baby, and my dad died not too long ago. Before he died, he told me that my mom was killed by supernatural creatures, and that's all he would say on the subject." They look confused.

"Earlier, when I left your room, I went to sleep and I had this dream. My dad was there... and my mom. I just knew it was her somehow. Then I was born and everything was great, but one day, that all changed. My mom and dad were holding me when three people just appeared in my room. My mom tried to fight them off, but they got her first. So my dad finished off the last one, took me, and left."

"I'm sorry that happened to you. But, why are you telling us this? Were they demons?" Sam asks.

I laugh humorlessly. "Demons. No, they weren't demons. The three people, and my mom... they were angels. When I woke up, Castiel was there and he explained everything to me. He told me that I'm a Nephilim, and that angels might be after me. He said that I should tell you guys, because you could help." I finish, looking up to see their jaws dropped.

"Can you guys just say something? Please? I just found out that I'm a supernatural creature, and I'm kind of freaking out here."

"Uhh, that's.... Wow." Dean says.

"Tell me about it."

"Well, can you do anything? Do you have any powers?" Sam asks.

"I'm guessing the whole 'seeing supernatural creatures' thing is a part of it. Other than that, I'm not sure. Castiel didn't exactly tell me much before he flew off."

"And you didn't know? Your dad never told you?" Sam asks me.

"No, never. He never really spoke about her, like, at all. I don't know why he would keep something this huge from me." I tell him.

Both of them are silent for a while, just staring at me.

"So?!" I ask them, starting to get scared. "Will you help me or not?"

Again, they're silent, having a conversation with their eyes. They stay like that for a few minutes before they turn back to me.

"Yeah, sure." Dean says. "We'll help protect you, but you gotta help us hunt. You're freaky eye thing might actually come in handy."

"Okay, yeah. Anything." I say, nodding quickly. "Thanks."

"No problem." He says.

"So where to next?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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