Chapter 15

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    The worlds is in shades of grey. The world is everywhere in between white and black. Her condition was stable. She looked pale, an eerie shade of grey. Grey so that it matched the rest of the room, so that it matched the rest of the hospital. They called her a miracle. Her recovery was miraculous they said. Adrien sat at her bedside alone. The nurses had come and gone. Time ticked on slowly.  It moved so that it felt like forever, but when he looked an hour had already passed. Marinette was stable, but had yet to open her eyes again. Those moments where she had almost died flashed through Adriens head. She flashed through his head. His lady. His princess. 

She felt numb. Warmth traveled up her veins yet she still felt cold circling around deep in her chest. She felt the planet pulling her down, chaining her to reality. Breaking free from those chains was like a dream. Crackling, that what she felt as she tried to peel her eyelids open. As she tried to glance back at the colourful world that she was missing. A soft hissing noise emerged from her throat as she got her first look at the bright, blaring lights above her. The horrible stench of a hospital filled her nose as she took in her surroundings. As the ringing in her ears slowed, she could hear someone saying her name. She recognized the voice of him. Chat. Adrien. Her gaze melted to the boy standing beside her bed. His green eyes slithered over her blue ones, making her ache.

"A-Adrien," she softly stuttered out.

He smiled as she watched silvery tears spill across his cheeks.

"Princess," he breathed.

Cracking a soul splitting smile, Marinette felt tension from all over release. Here he was. Here she was. Her sapphire gaze was drawn to the nurse bustling into the room. She watched Adrien step away as the nurse asked him to leave. She wanted him to stay. He couldn't leave yet.

Adrien reluctantly left. On his way out he almost bumped into the doctor that was rushing into Marienttes room. As Adrien walked back to the waiting area, he watched Marinettes parents enter. He walked over to them and told them that she was awake. They both smiled brightly at the news and exchanged loving looks with one another. Adrien smiled at them. He wished he had parents like that. Marinettes parents invited Adrien to sit and wait with them until they could see Marinette again, he happily agreed. Soon after, Adrien saw Alya enter the room along with Nino. Adrien greeted his friends and they say together along with Marinettes parents. Patiently, they all waited.

   Marinette relaxed once they were gone. The nurse and the doctor were gone. Marinette called out to Tikki, who quickly flew out from under Marinettes pillow. Tikki nuzzled Marinettes  cheek.

"Oh Marinette, I thought you were going to die!" Said Tikki.

"Me too. I'm glad I didn't though."

Tikki smiled at Marinette. Tikki was glad to have her back.

Soon, Marinettes family and friends entered and they all hugged and talked. There were many tears, but Marinette was glad to see it all. Part way through the visit, Adrien received a call  stating that he had to go home immediately. Adrien reluctantly left, and made sure to hug his princess goodbye. Once Adrien was home, he was told to go to his fathers office. Slowly, he made his way there. He knocked before the door swung open. As Adrien opened his mouth to speak, he was stopped by a hand hitting his face.

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