Chapter 11

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  Marinette slouched in her chair as she stared at the wall. She didn't know what the teacher was teaching, nor did she really care. Adrien wasn't here today, not that it really mattered. She felt her crush on him fading, due to a certain cat who had been invading her thoughts and personal space lately. Although she had hardly seen him as Ladybug lately, she had seen him a lot as Marinette. Alya took notice of her friends glazed over expression and leaned over to elbow her lightly in the side.

"What's wrong Mari?" She whispered.

Marinette turned and looked at Alya and shrugged.

"Just feeling kind of out of it today I guess."

Alyas brows furrowed and gave her friend one more glance before straightening in her chair. Alya knew for certain something was wrong, and it seemed bigger than just Adrien being missing. Deciding that she would save the prying for later, Alya brought her attention back to the lesson; at least she tried too. Soon her mind was a flurry of worrying about her friend and trying to not stare at Nino. Lately Alya was feeling oddly drawn to him. She wouldn't exactly call it a crush, after all she refused to be as weak as to develop a crush. Alya pursed her lips as her gaze dictated on the back of Ninos neck, once she noticed what she was doing she snapped her gaze away and chewed nervously on her lip. She was starting to remind herself of Marinette.

Adrien could feel the desperation of the make up artistes. He could also feel the layers of foundation and concealer that was trying to hide a purplish bruise on the side of his face; he didn't get that bruise from being Chat Noir though. Last night his father expressed his rage over something going wrong in a fabric order in a rather physical way. Of course, Adrien received most of his rage. It was the only thing that had pulled him from his high he got when he was with Marinette. It was the only thing that would snap him back to the cold reality of his missing mother and his unpredictable father. His father who one day would hug him and almost show affection and then another day would beat him and make him feel worthless. It was days like those that Adrien felt most compelled to hurt himself but he always stopped. Plagg always reminded him of Ladybug and now Marinette. He flinched as one of the makeup artists pressed a little too hard on the bruise, the small man apologized silently before returning to his work. The makeup artists weren't really supposed to talk to him, they used to be allowed, but then a female makeup artist had taken a liking to Adrien, and she wanted to grow familiar with him. She wanted his body, and she had tried to get it. Adrien of course wanted none of that and in her frustration had made an attempt to sexually assault him, but she was luckily stopped. The memories still haunted him and it made him edgy around everyone he wasn't already acquainted with; so new rules were put in place to avoid other incidents of that nature. Adrien breathed a sigh of relief when they announced they were finished and he was able to get up and went to endure the worst part (sort of).  Adrien walked on set and got ready to pose for the cameras, to please the people looking to use his looks and his name to sell their products.

Marinette ate her lunch quietly, and even then she didn't eat too much. She ate about half of her croissant before throwing it out along with the rest of her lunch.

"Marinette! That was such a waste! You seriously need to tell me what is wrong!" Said Alya.

Marinette sighed and took her seat again.

"Sorry Alya. I guess I'm feeling down cause I realized something. I don't think I like Adrien anymore." Said Marinette.

Alya gasped.

"What happened? Is there another boy? Or possibly a girl?" Asked Alya.

"Well there is another person. And I'm pretty sure they're a boy," laughed Marinette.

"What do you mean you're "pretty sure" " asked Alya whilst raising an eyebrow.

Marinette panicked slightly upon realizing what she said.

"They're a boy!!! " she laughed nervously.

"Ok... Who?" Alya asked.

"Is rather not say..."

"Oh no! You are so telling me!" Said Alya a little loudly.

"U-um it's Chat Noir..." Marinette whispered.

She had said it so quietly that Alya almost didn't hear, but luckily she did and she screamed. Many people looked over at the screaming girl and her friend who was desperately trying to calm her down.


"Alya please! He's just a fried of mine and I guess I know him pretty well! But you absolutely have to keep it a secret!"

"Can you get me an interview?" Asked Alya.

Marinette chuckled at Alyas hopeful expression.

"Sure I can." She said.

Alya smiled and thanked her friend profusely. Alya gave Marinette a tight squeeze and Marinette gave her an even tighter one.

Haha I finally updated! And so in case you're wondering, they are all ages up in this fanfic so the age that they are all at currently is 16-17! I had to age them up in order to get away with what I have planned for this fanfic. I would love your guys's feedback on this chapter and the story so far!

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