Chapter 16

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This took me forever to write!!!

Part of the mansion still stood. His fathers office was part of it. In the periods where Adrien was gone, some builders managed to block off the kissing parts of the mansion until it was fixed. The office still stood. The office is where Adriens face burned from his fathers hand hitting him. It was where he could hardly focus on his fathers yelling. It was where teas threatened to spill over as his father told him of the new arrangements being made. London. A boarding school in London for people like him. People with rich families. Adrien felt his heart shatter. Everything was right for a while, now it's all broken and laying on the floor. Now it's all tattered.

"Do you understand Adrien? Tomorrow, the jet will take you to London where people of my personal selection will give you a new wardrobe and will take you to your new school. Is that clear?"

Adrien muttered a reply. And then he was dismissed.

Later that night, Chat Noir snuck in through Marinettes hospital room window. Marinette was still awake and was glad to see her kitty.

"Hey princess! " Chat said as happily as he could.

Of course, his mask of happiness did him no good as Marinette could tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong my little kitty?" She asked softly.

Chat sat on her bed and undid his transformation. Plagg flew over to where Tikki sat on the small table beside Marinettes bed.

"I'm going to London. I leave tomorrow." He stated bluntly.

Marinettes eyes widened.

"Is this permanent?" She asked quietly.

Adrien have a slight nod. His emerald gaze glimmered under the light as he met Marinettes watery sapphire eyes.

"I don't want to leave you," he said.

"I don't want you to leave either. I don't know what I'd do without you," she said.

He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Let's run away," he whispered.

"We can do it. Just us together, " he said.

"I-I have my family. And I have Alya. " she said.

"I can't go to London. Who will I be without you?"

Adrien let tears spill across his cheeks. He leaned forward so his forehand touched hers.

"Who am I without the girl I love," he said.

Their lips met. The kiss tasted salty from the tears and was desperate and filled with every word that was circling their minds. Every emotion and everything they felt for one another was poured into it. Reluctantly, they pulled away.

"What about Hawkmoth and Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Asked Marinette.

"I don't know," Adrien whispered.

Tikki and Plagg looked at each other. It hurt them to watch their holders be in so much pain. And it hurt them to know that if Adrien was leaving Paris, he may have to leave Chat behind.

"Adrien, you are all I've ever wanted, and I don't know what to do without you," her voice shook.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," she whispered.

That night, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Early the next morning, Adrien left before Marinette woke up. He wrote a note in a piece of paper from her diary that sat on the table. Adrien transformed into Chat Noir and ran into the morning. When he had woken up, Plagg had told him that if he was leaving Ladybug, he couldn't be Chat Noir.

Adrien in an alley, holding the box he had gotten his miraculous in. Adrien cried as he said his final goodbyes to Plagg.

"Thank you, Adrien. For being a great hero, and a great friend." Said Plagg.

They hugged each other tightly before Adrien put the ring in the box and Plagg flew off with it.

Adrien say in the jet. He had headphones in and was listening to the music as he prepared to feel the jet take off. There was nothing he could do. He didn't feel like doing anything. Tears streamed down his face as he left everything he loved. He left her. He left himself.

Marinette opened her eyes to see sunlight pour into the room. Adrien wasn't there. He was gone. Probably on his way to London already. Tears fell down her cheeks as she thought about how she had finally gotten him, now she had lost him.

"Marinette?" Said Tikki.

Marinette looked over and saw Tikki holding a note. She recognized her loves handwriting immediately. Her hands shook as as room the letter from Tikki and prepared to read it.

Dear Marinette,

It doesn't matter where I go, my heart is always yours. It doesn't matter if I am no longer the Chat Noir to your Ladybug my heart is only yours. I am no longer Chat Noir. I have my miraculous back. And with or without a mask I love you. Whether I am sitting with you in my arms or I am miles away, I know that my soul only exists for you. One day, you might move on. And thats ok. You deserve happiness and that's all I want for you. What will I do without you? What is a prince with no princess? And what am I when I am not by your side? I know in my heart that I will always love you, no matter of who I am or where I may be. I am completely and utterly yours.

Love, Adrien

She sobbed as she read over his letter over and over again. He wasn't Chat Noir. And he was gone. He was gone from her life. Ripped away from her like a bandaid. What is she without him? What is Ladybug without Chat Noir.

Closer than ever now. Hawkmoth could feel it. But it felt wrong. It felt disgusting standing in his office in his half ruined house. It felt disgusting knowing that he could win so easily now but he felt no desire for it. He took the miraculous out of his desk drawer and crushed it under his foot. It was shattered now. Like his family. Like his wife who disappeared and like his son that sent away because he was sick of him. He was sick of it all.

Closer. Closer than ever. The world was shaking and whirling around her as she cried desperately. Tears stained the letter and smeared the ink. Gone. What was yin without yang? What was she without him?

Closer. A new life approached. It was unasked for and dreaded. He wanted her and he had her, but only for a little while. He cried as her face filled his thoughts. In a year or two he might be back. He might be back if his father didn't make him do college or university in London too. But even if he did return, would there still be a chance to get closer?

And yes this was the final chapter. And yes there is an epilogue.

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